本文介绍了使用 ApnsPHP 推送通知很慢的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为我的项目使用 ApnsPHP 库向我的用户发送推送通知:

I'm using the ApnsPHP lib for my project to send push notifications to my users:

private static function fnSendToIos($tokens, $text, $config)

    // Adjust to your timezone

    // Using Autoload all classes are loaded on-demand
    require_once 'ApnsPHP/Autoload.php';
    // Instantiate a new ApnsPHP_Push object
    $push = new ApnsPHP_Push(

    // Set the Root Certificate Autority to verify the Apple remote peer

    // Connect to the Apple Push Notification Service

    // Instantiate a new Message with a single recipient
    $message = new ApnsPHP_Message();

    //Put all tokens as recipients in one message
    foreach ($tokens as $token) {
    // Set a custom identifier. To get back this identifier use the getCustomIdentifier() method
    // over a ApnsPHP_Message object retrieved with the getErrors() message.
    // Set badge icon to "1"
    // Play the default sound
    // Set a simple welcome text
    // Add the message to the message queue

    // Send all messages in the message queue
    // Disconnect from the Apple Push Notification Service

    // Examine the error message container
    $aErrorQueue = $push->getErrors();
    if (!empty($aErrorQueue)) {
        log2file('iosPushNotifications', 'Send push notifications err:' . print_r($aErrorQueue));

但它的工作速度很慢.第一条消息运行得很快,但接下来的每条消息都需要 1 分钟或更长时间.日志文件:

But it works very slow. The first message run fast, but every next needs 1 min or more.log file:

2015-05-01 17:58:30  UTC a3d05958a5f7acdede098a2369ea7782
INFO: Trying ssl://gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195...

2015-05-01 17:58:31  UTC 749386767ecdb42b51961dc90cfce4c4
INFO: Connected to ssl://gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195.

2015-05-01 17:58:31  UTC aacaa098ebce25abd2848d37962f0ae8
INFO: Sending messages queue, run #1: 2 message(s) left in queue.

2015-05-01 17:58:31  UTC bde685d96b4309af2d9b8d592576f48d
STATUS: Sending message ID 1 [custom identifier: Message-Badge-1] (1/3): 150 bytes.

2015-05-01 17:59:31  UTC 1bdbc022e1037b8be36e40bb883c364c
STATUS: Sending message ID 2 [custom identifier: Message-Badge-1] (1/3): 150 bytes.

2015-05-01 18:00:32  UTC 7a81d80022327339521d4ba54b64c4cf
INFO: Disconnected.


There is too much time between messages. What is wrong?


由于库在每条消息发送后等待 APNS 服务器的响应而导致的一分钟延迟.我找到了一个不使用 ApnsPHP 库的解决方案.有了错误处理程序和反馈,它可以在我的情况下使用.

Delays in one minute caused because the library is waiting for a response from the APNS server after each message sending.I found a solution without use the ApnsPHP library. With error handler and feedback it can be used in my case.


Code, that works for me (maybe it help someone):

*@param array $tokens - device tokens
*@param string $text - push notification message text
*@param array $config - contains paths to certificates
private function fnSendIosUseSockets($tokens, $text, $config)
            $ctx = stream_context_create();
            stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', $config['sert']);
            stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', '');

            $fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195',

            if (!$fp) {
                log2file('iosPushNotifications', "Filed to connect push.apple.com. Err: $err $errstr " . PHP_EOL);
               return false; //exit

            echo 'Connected to APNS' . PHP_EOL;

            foreach($tokens as $token) {

                // Create the payload body
                $body['aps'] = array(
                    'badge' => +1,
                    'alert' => $text,
                    'sound' => 'default'

                $payload = json_encode($body);

                // Build the binary notification
                $msg = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', $token) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload;

                // Send it to the server
                $result = fwrite($fp, $msg, strlen($msg));

                if (!$result)
                    echo 'Message not delivered' . PHP_EOL;
                    echo 'Message successfully delivered amar' . $text . PHP_EOL;

            // Close the connection to the server
            echo "Disconnect.";

这篇关于使用 ApnsPHP 推送通知很慢的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 14:06