


I am trying to make use of the AuthGuard decorator, and the passport JWT strategy, following the documentation.


Everything in the documentation works great. But I now want to protect a route with a scope contained in the JWT. So here is a basic jwt payload generated by my application:

  "user": {
    "id": "20189c4f-1183-4216-8b48-333ddb825de8",
    "username": "user.test@gmail.com"
  "scope": [
  "iat": 1534766258,
  "exp": 1534771258,
  "iss": "15f2463d-8810-44f9-a908-801872ded159",
  "sub": "20189c4f-1183-4216-8b48-333ddb825de8",
  "jti": "078047bc-fc1f-4c35-8abe-72834f7bcc44"

这是受 AuthGuard保护的基本受保护路线装饰者:

async protected(): Promise<string> {
    return 'Hello Protected World';

我想添加选项并限制该路线对人们的访问将 manager_server 范围纳入其JWT。所以在阅读了一些 AuthGuard 代码之后,我认为我能写出如下内容:

I would like to add options and restrict the access of that route to the people having the manager_server scope into their JWT. So after reading a little bit of the AuthGuard code, I thought that I was able to write something like:

@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt', {
    scope: 'manage_server'
async protected(): Promise<string> {
    return 'Hello Protected World';


我认为在验证函数中添加一个选项参数 JWTStrategy 可以成功,但事实并非如此。这是我的验证函数(包含在 jwt.strategy.ts 文件中):

I thought that adding an option argument to the validate function of the JWTStrategy could make the trick, but it does not. Here is my validate function (contained in the jwt.strategy.ts file):

async validate(payload: JwtPayload, done: ((err: any, value: any) => void)) {
    const user = await this.authService.validateUser(payload);
    if (!user) {
        return done(new UnauthorizedException(), false);
    done(null, user);


Thank you very much for your help and don't hesitate to ask me for more informations in the comments if you need so.


当你看到,好像是 options.callback 函数是唯一可能的自定义。

When you look at the code of the AuthGuard, it seems like the options.callback function is the only possible customization.

我认为不是编写自己支持的 AuthGuard 范围检查,有一个 ScopesGuard (或 RolesGuard )和它自己的decorater如 @Scopes('manage_server')代替。为此,您可以按照,它还只检查请求中用户属性下JWT有效负载的属性。

I think instead of writing your own AuthGuard that supports scope checks, it is cleaner to have a ScopesGuard (or RolesGuard) with its own decorater like @Scopes('manage_server') instead. For this, you can just follow the RolesGuard example in the docs, which also just checks an attribute of the JWT payload under the user property in the request.

创建 @Scopes()装饰者:

export const Scopes = (...scopes: string[]) => ReflectMetadata('scopes', scopes);

创建 ScopesGuard

export class ScopesGuard implements CanActivate {
  constructor(private readonly reflector: Reflector) {}

  canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {
    const scopes = this.reflector.get<string[]>('scopes', context.getHandler());
    if (!scopes) {
      return true;
    const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    const user = request.user;
    const hasScope = () => user.scopes.some((scope) => scopes.includes(scope));
    return user && user.scopes && hasScope();


Use the ScopesGuard as a global guard for all routes (returns true when no scopes are given):

  providers: [
      provide: APP_GUARD,
      useClass: ScopesGuard,
export class ApplicationModule {}


async protected(): Promise<string> {
    return 'Hello Protected World';


08-26 06:33