


Up to now, when working with WCF, I have always been exposing the whole either EF generated entities, or POCOs(by modifying the T4 template to include DataContract and DataMember on POCOs and properties) as DataContract.


Now, I have come across a situation that I cannot expose the whole thing, and need to explicitly specify my DataContract to be a subset of the entities.


It worth saying that one of my entities is something like below:


And I want to just expose Id, Name, CategoryId, Price.


Insert/Update of rest of the fields (ActiveFrom, InactiveDate, Supported) is something that will be decided based on the BR, and client doesn’t know , and should not know indeed, anything about them.


I have tried following approaches, but each of them seems to have problem/not working:

  1. 使用 AutoMapper :我需要将源对象映射到目标对象,这是一个单向映射,因此对于演示目的我可以将Product映射到ProductContract.但是对于添加/更新产品,它确实无法工作,因为它无法进行双向映射.

  1. Using AutoMapper : I need to map a source object to adestination object, and this is a one way mapping, so forpresentation purposes I can map Product to ProductContract. But for adding/updating the product, it doesnot work as it cannot do a two way mapping.


Use the reflection and create a metadata class for the entities andadd the [DataMember] attribute to the properties of the Metadata class as below(please note that I haven’t included the unwanted fields):

public class ProductMD : AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider
        public ProductMD() :
        public int Id{ get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public int? CategoryID { get; set; }

        public decimal? Price { get; set; }

,然后将ProductMD用作Product的属性不接触自动生成的实体的局部类(仅供参考:我有更改了POCO T4模板生成器以包括每个实体上的[DataContract]):

And then use the ProductMD as an attribute for the Productpartial class without touching the auto-generated entity (FYI: I havechanged the POCO T4 template generator to include the[DataContract] on each entity):

public partial class Product


But on the client side, I do not haveaccess to any of the DataMembers of the Product.


Now my question is that, what is the best approach to gain what I want to do (exposing a subset of the entities as DataContract)?


我会选择选项1-> AutoMapper.

I would go with option 1 -> AutoMapper.


You could define two way mapping:

Mapper.CreateMap<Product, ProductContract>();
Mapper.CreateMap<ProductContract, Product>();


obviously if in your ProductContract you have less properties than in your domain model when doing the mapping, only the corresponding properties will be populated.


When doing the inverse map for updating you could do the following:

ProductContract pc = ...
Product productToUpdate = GetProduct(pc.Id);
Mapper.Map<ProductContract, Product>(pc, product);
// at this stage the product model will have the properties that
// were present in the ProductContract being mapped from them and
// the rest of the properties will stay unmodified, i.e. they will
// have their initial values that were retrieved from the database.
// Now we can update the product:


07-29 18:49