An application persists Guid field in Mongo and it ends up being stored as BinData:
"_id" : new BinData(3, "WBAc3FDBDU+Zh/cBQFPc3Q==")
The advantage in this case is compactness, the disadvantage shows up when one needs to troubleshoot the application. Guids are passed via URLs, and constantly transforming them to BinData when going to Mongo console is a bit painful.
What are drawbacks of storing Guid as string in addition to increase in size? One advantage is ease of troubleshooting:
"_id" : "3c901cac-5b90-4a09-896c-00e4779a9199"
Here is a prototype of a persistent entity in C#:
class Thing
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string DontUseInAppMongoId
get { return Id.ToString(); }
set { Id = Guid.Parse(value); }
除了gregor的回答外,使用Guids当前还将阻止使用新的Aggregation Framework,因为它以二进制类型表示.无论如何,您都可以轻松地完成自己想要的事情.这将使mongodb bson库能够为您完成转换.
In addition to gregor's answer, using Guids will currently prevent the use of the new Aggregation Framework as it is represented as a binary type. Regardless, you can do what you are wanting in an easier way. This will let the mongodb bson library handle doing the conversions for you.
public class MyClass
public Guid Id { get; set;}