I've a script with an object launchpoint on INVOICELINE.For the mbo I want to get all INVOICELINES with the same PONUM as the current MBO (since they could be in other then the current mbo's invoice)
In the script I find the PO like so: (to test for status)
from psdi.server import MXServer
from psdi.mbo import Mbo
from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
from psdi.security import UserInfo
from psdi.server import MXServer
myMXServer = MXServer.getMXServer()
userInfo = mbo.getThisMboSet().getUserInfo()
# find the PO
poSet = myMXServer.getMboSet("PO", userInfo)
poSetWhere = "ponum='" + mbo.getString("PONUM") + "' and siteid='" + mbo.getString("POSITEID") + "' and status not in " + poNoUpdate
poMbo = poSet.getMbo(0)
then later I do the very same for the set of invoicelines:
ilSet = myMXServer.getMboSet("INVOICELINE", userInfo)
ilSetWhere = "ponum='" + mbo.getString("PONUM") + "' and positeid='" + mbo.getString("POSITEID") + "'"
ilMbo = ilSet.moveFirst()
while ilMbo is not None:
这将导致setWhere行上的错误.奇怪的是,日志记录(出于可读性考虑已删除)表明ilSet包含getMboSet之后的所有发票行记录(如预期的那样),ilSetWhere具有有效的查询,您可以在SQL Developer中将其复制粘贴.
which results in a error on the setWhere line. Curiously, logging (which I removed for readability) indicates that ilSet contains all invoicelines records after the getMboSet (as expected), the ilSetWhere has a valid query that you can copy-paste in SQL Developer.
Does Maximo need some index or so before it can execute this setWhere?
Here is the logging result for the two setWhere strings:
ponum='4140006682' and siteid='mysite' and status not in ('CLOSED','CAN','GESLTN','ANN')
ponum='4140006682' and positeid='mysite'
我得到的错误是脚本中的通用BMXAA7837E java.lang.NullPointerException在第...行(该行引用带有ilSet.setWhere(ilSetWhere)表达式的行.我不知道如何解决此问题而且不知道如何解决它.
The error I get is a generic BMXAA7837E java.lang.NullPointerException in script at line... (the line refers to the line with the ilSet.setWhere(ilSetWhere) expression. I'm out of ideas how to fix this and have no clue how to work around it.
Now we have an error to work with!
Maximo effectively insists that an INVOICELINE set has an "owner", which you have not set up in your code example. Think of an owner as a parent set. Specifically, it is the MBOSet used to fetch the current set off of. It doesn't actually have to be related to the current set, but most of the time it will be (and it makes the most sense to fetch sets that way). An owner can be injected into the set after it's fetched (to change it or trick Maximo), but this is rarely good code.
Instead of getting a fresh set (no other ties or possible data caching) from the server in its own transaction, you might be best off getting the invoiceline set off of your current MBO. I don't know your exact use case, but generally you want to do something like this instead of getting a new set like you did. At the least, it will give your new set an "owner". You may even want to make the SQL a "relationship" instead of hard-coding it.
ilSetWhere = "ponum='" + mbo.getString("PONUM") + "' and positeid='" + mbo.getString("POSITEID") + "'"
ilSet = mbo.getMboSet("$TempInvoiceLineRelationship", "INVOICELINE", ilSetWhere)
ilMbo = ilSet.moveFirst()
我正从内存中获取此代码,所以我不知道它是否完全正确. "getMboSet"的形式采用三个参数.第一个是关系名称.如果Maximo从该起始对象中找到了已经注册"的关系名称,它将忽略接下来的两个参数,并使用该关系来进行设置.如果找不到该关系已注册",则会在此代码的范围内对其进行注册(因此,如果需要,您可以稍后在此代码中重新使用它).第二个参数定义要创建临时关系的目标对象.第三个参数定义此临时关系的"where子句".
I'm going from memory for this code, so I don't know if it is exactly correct. That form of "getMboSet" takes three parameters. The first is a relationship name. If Maximo finds that relationship name already "registered" from this starting object, it will ignore the next two parameters and use that relationship to get you that set. If it doesn't find that relationship "registered" it registers it for the scope of this code (so you can re-use it later in this code if you wanted). The second parameter defines what destination object to create the temporary relationship to. The third parameter defines the "where clause" of this temporary relationship.
还说您在"myMXServer.getMboSet ..."行之后登录"ilSet"吗?这将导致Maximo运行查询,然后将对象加载到集合中(它会等待运行查询,直到必须这样做为止).结果,直到重置()"集合后,您才能看到where子句的更改.
Also, you say you log "ilSet" after the "myMXServer.getMboSet..." line? That is going to cause Maximo to run the query and load the objects into the set at that point (it waits to run the query until it has to). As a result of that, you won't see the effects of your where clause change until you "reset()" the set.