

我在找一个节点/ EX preSS /玉页面的简单例子使用Ajax调用与客户端和服务器端的code被更新。

I'm looking for a simple example of a Node/Express/Jade page being updated using an Ajax call with both the client and server side code.


I'm having a bit of trouble putting it all together in my head.



There are great many ways this could be done and it's not immediately apparent which approach you want to take.


I suppose the simplest scenario would be to add some client-side logic to fetch pieces of html from the server and update the client. This is easily achieved using jQuery (put it inside a document ready block to wire up the event):

$('#button').click(function() {
     $.get('/some/url', {foo: 42}, function(result) {


This way all your html is generated on the server and you simply fetch and insert it into the page as needed.

您也可以从服务器获取JSON和在客户端呈现的HTML,但是这是的途径之一。我强烈推荐给 TodoMVC 一看 - 这是一个待办事项列表应用程序有许多不同的实现(每次使用不同的架构),因此对各种做法和助手库一个很好的学习资源。

You could also fetch json from the server and render the html on the client, but that is one of the alternative approaches. I highly recommend giving TodoMVC a look - it's a todo-list application with many different implementations (each using a different framework) and therefore a great learning resource for the various approaches and helper libraries.

我也建议你动手的Node.js 书。这将帮助你了解路由以及如何开始使用节点。

I'd also recommend the Hands-on Node.js book. It will help you understand routing and how to get started with Node.

