I love Markdown. The concept is one of the most elegant and useful I've come across in my few years as a programmer. So I was excited to see Meteor implement a Showdown package and let me use it with the {{#markdown}}
block helper.
However, when I started using it, my least favorite gotcha of markdown suddenly appeared: Indented Code Blocks.
<template name="home">
Hello!!! Welcome to *My Site*!!
格式化为CODE !!!!
Formatted as CODE!!!!
我讨厌缩进的代码块.他们完全试图在编程环境中使用 Markdown.代码是经过严格缩进的,并且有充分的理由.它可以使事情井井有条,并使行为明确.因此,Markdown规范多年来错过了这一事实,这让我感到惊讶. Github的带围栏的代码块是一种无限的智能方式,因为它不需要重复按Tab键或空格键,使编辑变得更加容易,并且文本中的内容也更加清晰
I hate indented code blocks. They completely screw with attempts to actually use Markdown in a programming environment. Code is wildly indented, and for good reasons. It keeps things organized and makes behavior clear. So the fact that Markdown specifications have for years missed this is flabbergasting to me. Github's fenced code blocks are an infinitely more intelligent way to do this, since it doesn't require repetitive punching of the tab or space key, making it easier to edit, and it's clearer what's happening in the text.
I want to customize the markdown being used by meteor. How?? I've looked through Atmosphere and searched markdown, and found nothing applicable. Also, I'm not sure how to use a Showdown extension in the meteor environment.
Any solutions welcome!! All I really want is a markdown implementation that doesn't have indented code blocks. They're stupid.
Why not implement your very own markdown
// this is based on showdown package in spark branch
Handlebars.registerHelper('markdown', function (options) {
return UI.block(function () {
var self = this;
return function () {
var renderer = new marked.Renderer();
var text = UI.toRawText(self.__content, self /* parentComponent */);
return HTML.Raw(marked(trimIndentation(text), { renderer: renderer }));
where trimIndentation
can look more or less like this:
function trimIndentation(text) {
var regexp = null,
result = "";
return text.split('\n').map(function (line) {
var match = (regexp || /(\s*)(\s*[^\s]+.*)/).exec(line);
if (match) {
!regexp && (regexp = new RegExp("(\\s{" + match[1].length + "})(.*)"));
return match[2];
return line;
在上面的示例中,我使用了新模板引擎的语法,并且使用了已标记库,而不是旧的 showdown (或者我应该说 pagedown ?),但是您当然可以通过自己选择的设置来做同样的事情.
In the above example I used the syntax of the new templating engine as well as I used the marked library instead of good old showdown (or should I say pagedown?), but you can of course do the same thing with a setup of your own choice.