

我目前正在将我的项目更新为Swift 3,并且我将所有的NSDate方法和扩展都移到了Date,以便在应用程序中保持标准。

I'm currently updating my project to Swift 3 and I'm moving all my NSDate methods and extensions to Date in order to keep the standard in the app.


The problem is that I use Xcode to auto-generate my NSManagedObject subclasses and it is generating the date attributes as NSDate instead of Date.


Is there a way to generate it with the date attributes as Date?

每 :

所以我认为这不可能= /

So I think it's not possible =/


事实并非如此目前可能,因为Core Data仍然与Objective-C类型密切相关,这是它显示的地方之一。

It's not currently possible, because Core Data is still very much tied to Objective-C types, and this is one of the places it shows.

但是,你仍然可以分配一个日期 NSDate 属性:

However, you can still assign a Date to an NSDate attribute:

    newEvent.timestamp = Date() as NSDate

这远非理想,但如果你有其他代码使用日期,你不必使用 NSDate 。使用作为仅在直接使用托管对象时进行转换。

It's far from ideal, but if you have other code that uses Date, you don't have to make it use NSDate instead. Use as to convert only when working directly with your managed objects.


10-22 22:58