


Is it possible to limit the maximum number of Functions that run in parallel?


I read the documentation and came across this:

如果功能应用程序正在使用消费"托管计划,则该功能应用程序可能会自动向外扩展.功能应用程序的每个实例,无论该应用程序是在消费"托管计划上运行还是在常规App Service托管计划上运行,都可以使用多个线程并行处理并发功能调用.

If a function app is using the Consumption hosting plan, the function app could scale out automatically. Each instance of the function app, whether the app runs on the Consumption hosting plan or a regular App Service hosting plan, might process concurrent function invocations in parallel using multiple threads.


The maximum number of concurrent function invocations in each function app instance varies based on the type of trigger being used as well as the resources used by other functions within the function app.

https://docs.microsoft. com/en-gb/azure/azure-functions/functions-reference#parallel-execution

我在带事件中心输入绑定的App Service计划上使用功能,并且在我的功能应用程序中只有一个功能.如果我不能限制它,那么有人知道这种设置的最大并发函数调用次数是多少吗?

I am using a Function on an App Service plan with an Event Hub input binding and only have a single Function within my Function App. If I can't limit it, does anyone know what the maximum number of concurrent function invocations will be for this kind of setup?


无法为Event Hubs触发的函数指定最大并发性,但是您可以将批量大小和获取选项控制为此处描述.

There isn't a way to specify a maximum concurrency for Event Hubs triggered functions, but you can control batch size and fetching options as described here.


The maximum number of concurrent invocations may also vary depending on your workload and resource utilization.


If concurrency limits are needed, this is (currently) something you'd need to handle, and the following posts discuss some patterns you may find useful:

在Azure Function应用程序中限制Azure存储队列处理

限制Azure Functions上的并发作业数队列


08-19 23:32