

我试图在Template Toolkit .tt文件中调用外部Perl模块.我要使用的模块是Util,我想调用Util::prettify_date.我能够使用Template Toolkit的插件界面包含此模块:我设置了load,new和error函数(如下所述: http://template-toolkit.org/docs/modules/Template/Plugin.html ),并使用[% USE Util %]将其包含在内.

I am trying to call an outside Perl module in a Template Toolkit .tt file. The module I want to use is Util, and I want to call Util::prettify_date. I was able to include this module using Template Toolkit's plugin interface: I set up the load, new, and error function (as described here: http://template-toolkit.org/docs/modules/Template/Plugin.html), and include it using [% USE Util %].

这很好用,但是我想知道是否有一种方法可以在Template Toolkit中使用USE Perl模块而不必对其进行插件化.制作插件的主要问题是,我必须在面向对象的Util中制作所有函数(即,将$ self作为第一个参数),这没有任何意义.

This works fine, but I was wondering if there's a way to USE Perl modules in Template Toolkit without having to plugin-ify them. The main issue with making plugins is that I have to make all the functions in Util object-oriented (ie. accepts $self as first argument), which doesn't really make sense.


您是否尝试过在 [% PERL %] 块?

Have you tried useing the module in a [% PERL %] block?


Now, I personally would write a plugin which relays, say, a MyOrg::Plugin::Util->prettify_date to Util::prettify_date after getting rid of the first argument. You can automate the creation of these methods as well:

my @to_proxy = qw( prettify_date );

sub new {
    my $class = shift;

        no strict 'refs';
        for my $sub ( @to_proxy) {
            *{"${class}::${sub}"} = sub {
                my $self = shift;
                return "My::Util::$sub"->( @_ );
    bless {} => $class;


09-15 13:59