


Alright, so I have been stumbling upon some issue for a long time and I would like to hear an opinion from the rest of community.


First, let's look at some abstract controller.

function Ctrl($scope, anyService) {

   $scope.field = "field";
   $scope.whenClicked = function() {

   function util() {



Clearly we have here:

  • 常规支架的控制器 $范围和一些服务性注入

  • 某些领域和附着范围功能

  • 私有方法 UTIL()

  • regular scaffold for controller with $scope and some service injected
  • some field and function attached to the scope
  • private method util()

现在,我想管这个类的单元测试(茉莉花)。然而,问题是,我要验证,当我点击(呼叫 whenClicked())的一些项目的 UTIL()方法将被调用。我不知道该怎么做,因为茉莉花测试我总是收到错误,无论是模拟的 UTIL()尚未定义或者不叫

Now, I'd like to cover this class in unit tests (Jasmine). However, the problem is that I want to verify that when I click (call whenClicked()) some item that the util() method will be called. I don't know how to do that, since in Jasmine tests I'm always getting errors that either the mock for util() hasn't been defined or was not called.



I have been trying a number of ways around this:

  • 很明显,我不能使用 $范围在我的单元测试,因为我没有这个功能,连接到该对象(通常使用消息结束预计间谍,但得到未定义或类似)

  • 我试图通过连接到控制器对象的功能 Ctrl.util = util的; ,然后验证像嘲弄 Ctrl.util = jasmine.createSpy ()但在这种情况下, Ctrl.util 不被调用,所以测试失败

  • 我试图改变 UTIL()附加到这个对象和嘲讽 Ctrl.util 再次,没有运气

  • obviously I cannot use $scope in my unit tests as I don't have this function attached to this object (it usually ends with message Expected spy but got undefined or similar)
  • I tried attaching those functions to the controller object via Ctrl.util = util; and then verifying mocks like Ctrl.util = jasmine.createSpy() but in this case Ctrl.util is not being called so tests fail
  • I tried to change util() to be attached to this object and mocking Ctrl.util again, with no luck


Well, I cannot find my way around this, I would expect some help from JS ninjas, a working fiddle would be perfect.



Namespacing it on the scope is pollution. What you want to do is extract that logic into a separate function which is then injected into your Controller. i.e.

function Ctrl($scope, util) {

   $scope.field = "field";
   $scope.whenClicked = function() {

angular.module("foo", [])
       .service("anyService", function(...){...})
       .factory("util", function(anyService) {
              return function() {


Now you can unit test with mocks your Ctrl as well as "util".


10-16 11:49