

我想测试贝宝(PayPal)订阅IPN,既包括创建订阅时收到的IPN,也包括后来在下一次付款时发送的IPN(例如,如果订阅为每月$ x,则按月发送).

I'd like to test paypal subscription IPNs, both the ones received when a subscription is created, and the ones sent later with the next payment (such as monthly if the subscription is $x per month).


However I'd prefer not to wait a month or a day to receive the second IPN. Is there a way to have an IPN sent quicker, such as hourly, using paypal or their sandbox?


On the documentation it says you can only specify years, months, days, and weeks as the subscription period.



It used to be that the period specified in days would be treated by the test server as minutes so you'd be called every 3 minutes when specified 'd3'. I think they removed this and I'm not aware of any replacement feature to test subscriptions.


08-24 13:44