

我有一个显示联系人的表格,我想按名字对联系人进行排序. contacts数组来自redux存储,然后将通过props来存储,但是我希望本地状态保持这些联系人的排序方式,因为它是本地UI状态.我该如何实现?到目前为止,我已经将联系人放入了componentWillReceiveProps中,但是由于某种原因,它在更改时没有收到道具.每次redux存储状态更改时,如何更新本地状态?

I have a table that displays contacts and I want to sort the contacts by first name. The contacts array comes from the redux store, which will come then come through the props, but I want the local state to hold how those contacts are sorted, since it's local UI state. How do I achieve this? I so far have placed contacts into componentWillReceiveProps but for some reason it doesn't receive the props when it changes. How do I update the local state each time the redux store state changes?

const Table = React.createClass({
  getInitialState () {
    return {contacts: []}
  componentWillReceiveProps () {
    this.setState({ contacts: this.props.data.contacts})
  sortContacts (parameter, e){
  render () {
    return (
            <th onClick={this.sortContacts.bind(this, "firstName")}>First Name</th>


import React, {Component} from 'react'
import TableRow from './TableRow'

class Table extends Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.state = { sortBy: "fistName" }
  sortContacts (parameter) {
    console.log('in sortContacts')

    this.setState({ sortBy: parameter })
  sortedContacts () {
    console.log('in sortedContacts')

    const param = this.state.sortBy
    return (
      this.props.data.contacts.sort(function (a, b){
        if (!a.hasOwnProperty(param)){
          a[param] = " ";
        if (!b.hasOwnProperty(param)){
          b[param] = " ";
        const nameA = a[param].toLowerCase(), nameB = b[param].toLowerCase();
        if (nameA > nameB) {
          return 1;
        } else {
          return -1;
  filteredSortedContacts () {
    console.log('in filteredSortedContacts')

    const filterText = this.props.data.filterText.toLowerCase()
    let filteredContacts = this.sortedContacts()
    if (filterText.length > 0) {
      filteredContacts = filteredContacts.filter(function (contact){
        return (
          contact.hasOwnProperty('lastName') &&
    return filteredContacts
  contactRows () {
    console.log('in contactRows')
    return this.filteredSortedContacts().map((contact, idx) =>
      <TableRow contact={contact} key={idx}/>
  render () {
    return (
      <div className="table-container">
        <table className="table table-bordered">
              <th className="th-cell" onClick={this.sortContacts.bind(this, "firstName")}>First Name</th>
              <th onClick={this.sortContacts.bind(this, "lastName")}>Last Name</th>
              <th>Date of Birth</th>

export default Table

我现在看到的问题是contactRows, filteredSortedContacts, sortedContacts被多次调用,每个TableRow被调用一次.如果我只在体内调用一次contactRows,我看不出怎么回事.

The issue I'm seeing now is that contactRows, filteredSortedContacts, sortedContacts are being called multiple times, once for each TableRow. I don't see how this can be happening if I'm only calling contactRows once in the body.



Your approach to use both redux store and local store is correct.


Just do not try to duplicate the state from redux store in your component. Keep referring to it via props.


Instead create a sortedContacts function that computes value on the fly by applying locally-stored sortBy param to redux-stored contacts.

const Table extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      sortBy: 'id' // default sort param

  sortContacts(param) {
    this.setState({ sortBy: param})

  sortedContacts() {
    return this.props.contacts.sort(...); // return sorted collection

  render() {
    return (
            <th onClick={() => this.sortContacts("firstName")}>First Name</th>


07-18 08:08