


I'm struggling with the MVC concept using javaFX. I am building an javaFX application using fxml files.


Each fxml file has a controller assigned, but I don't think that this controller is one as the MVC pattern states. I think of it like some sort of ViewController, which holds references to fxml objects (buttons, panes etc.).


My problem is: Where exactly is the difference between this "ViewController" and the real "Controller". What object should do what things? Where do I set e.g. actionListeners?



MVC是一个非常松散定义的模式,它对MVC中的每个事物(特别是控制器)所代表的内容(通常有些模糊)的解释是开放的。关于Martin Fowler的GUI工具包,有一个很棒的。

MVC is a pretty loosely defined pattern which is open to (often somewhat vague) interpretations of what each of the things in MVC stand for (especially the controller). There is a great discussion of the MVC architecture with respect to GUI toolkits by Martin Fowler.


基于JavaFX核心FXML的处理是为了更多的工具包而不是完整的开发框架。其他框架可以在JavaFX和FXML以及底层JavaFX / FXML实现和它们的控制器之上进行分层的想法不会在更高级别的框架上推动任何类型的议程或架构约束。

JavaFX core FXML based processing is built to be more of a toolkit rather than a complete development framework. The idea being that other frameworks could be layered on top of JavaFX and FXML and the underlying JavaFX/FXML implementations and the controllers for them would not push any kind of agenda or architectural constraints on the higher level frameworks.


As a result, there is a deliberately loose analogy and mapping of core FXML based processing and their controllers to an MVC architecture.

参见,它利用了控制器和FXML,但提供了更多严格的结构化框架。 Afterburner.fx遵循。尽管Afterburner.fx提供了比普通核心JavaFX + FXML更多的功能和结构,但它通过添加一些您需要学习使用它的额外类和API以最小的方式实现。

You might benefit from adopting an "opinionated" JavaFX framework such as afterburner.fx, which utilizes controllers and FXML but provides a bit more of a rigid structured framework. Afterburner.fx follows a Model View Presenter (MVP) model. Though Afterburner.fx provides more functionality and structure than plain core JavaFX+FXML, it does so in a minimal way by adding few extra classes and APIs that you need to learn to use it.


10-19 23:50