

最近我发现 MessagePack Google的协议缓冲区 JSON 的效果也优于这两者.

Recently I've found MessagePack, an alternative binary serialization format to Google's Protocol Buffers and JSON which also outperforms both.

MongoDB还使用了 BSON 序列化格式.

Also there's the BSON serialization format that is used by MongoDB for storing data.


Can somebody elaborate the differences and the dis-/advantages of BSON vs MessagePack?

只需完成高性能二进制序列化格式的列表即可:还有 地精 .但是,与所有其他提到的格式相比,还有Gobs库,至少可以使用Go以外的其他语言.

Just to complete the list of performant binary serialization formats: There are also Gobs . However there are also Gobs libraries for at least on other language than Go.



// Please note that I'm author of MessagePack. This answer may be biased.


  1. 与JSON的兼容性

  1. Compatibility with JSON


In spite of its name, BSON's compatibility with JSON is not so good compared with MessagePack.

BSON具有特殊类型,例如"ObjectId","Min key","UUID"或"MD5"(我认为MongoDB需要这些类型).这些类型与JSON不兼容.这意味着,当您将对象从BSON转换为JSON时,某些类型信息可能会丢失,但是当然只有当这些特殊类型在BSON源中时,这些信息才会丢失.在单个服务中同时使用JSON和BSON是不利的.

BSON has special types like "ObjectId", "Min key", "UUID" or "MD5" (I think these types are required by MongoDB). These types are not compatible with JSON. That means some type information can be lost when you convert objects from BSON to JSON, but of course only when these special types are in the BSON source. It can be a disadvantage to use both JSON and BSON in single service.


MessagePack is designed to be transparently converted from/to JSON.


MessagePack is smaller than BSON


MessagePack's format is less verbose than BSON. As the result, MessagePack can serialize objects smaller than BSON.


For example, a simple map {"a":1, "b":2} is serialized in 7 bytes with MessagePack, while BSON uses 19 bytes.


BSON supports in-place updating

使用BSON,您可以修改存储对象的一部分,而无需重新序列化整个对象.假设将映射{{a:1," b:2}存储在文件中,并且您想将" a的值从1更新为2000.

With BSON, you can modify part of stored object without re-serializing the whole of the object. Let's suppose a map {"a":1, "b":2} is stored in a file and you want to update the value of "a" from 1 to 2000.


With MessagePack, 1 uses only 1 byte but 2000 uses 3 bytes. So "b" must be moved backward by 2 bytes, while "b" is not modified.


With BSON, both 1 and 2000 use 5 bytes. Because of this verbosity, you don't have to move "b".


MessagePack has RPC


MessagePack, Protocol Buffers, Thrift and Avro support RPC. But BSON doesn't.


These differences imply that MessagePack is originally designed for network communication while BSON is designed for storages.


  1. MessagePack具有类型检查API(Java,C ++和D)

  1. MessagePack has type-checking APIs (Java, C++ and D)


MessagePack supports static-typing.


Dynamic-typing used with JSON or BSON are useful for dynamic languages like Ruby, Python or JavaScript. But troublesome for static languages. You must write boring type-checking codes.

MessagePack提供类型检查API.它将动态类型的对象转换为静态类型的对象.这是一个简单的示例(C ++):

MessagePack provides type-checking API. It converts dynamically-typed objects into statically-typed objects. Here is a simple example (C++):

    #include <msgpack.hpp>

    class myclass {
        std::string str;
        std::vector<int> vec;
        // This macro enables this class to be serialized/deserialized
        MSGPACK_DEFINE(str, vec);

    int main(void) {
        // serialize
        myclass m1 = ...;

        msgpack::sbuffer buffer;
        msgpack::pack(&buffer, m1);

        // deserialize
        msgpack::unpacked result;
        msgpack::unpack(&result, buffer.data(), buffer.size());

        // you get dynamically-typed object
        msgpack::object obj = result.get();

        // convert it to statically-typed object
        myclass m2 = obj.as<myclass>();
  1. MessagePack具有IDL

  1. MessagePack has IDL

它与类型检查API有关,MessagePack支持IDL. (可以从以下网址获得规范: http://wiki.msgpack.org/display/MSGPACK/Design + of + IDL )

It's related to the type-checking API, MessagePack supports IDL. (specification is available from: http://wiki.msgpack.org/display/MSGPACK/Design+of+IDL)


Protocol Buffers and Thrift require IDL (don't support dynamic-typing) and provide more mature IDL implementation.

MessagePack具有流API(Ruby,Python,Java,C ++等)

MessagePack has streaming API (Ruby, Python, Java, C++, ...)


MessagePack supports streaming deserializers. This feature is useful for network communication. Here is an example (Ruby):

    require 'msgpack'

    # write objects to stdout
    $stdout.write [1,2,3].to_msgpack
    $stdout.write [1,2,3].to_msgpack

    # read objects from stdin using streaming deserializer
    unpacker = MessagePack::Unpacker.new($stdin)
    # use iterator
    unpacker.each {|obj|
      p obj


08-26 02:45