我正在执行一些处理器繁重的任务,每次我开始执行该命令时,我的 winform 都会冻结,直到任务完成我什至无法移动它.我使用了与微软相同的程序,但似乎没有任何改变.
i was doing some processor heavy task and every time i start executing that command my winform freezes than i cant even move it around until the task is completed. i used the same procedure from microsoft but nothing seem to be changed.
我的工作环境是带有 .net 4.5 的 Visual Studio 2012
my working environment is visual studio 2012 with .net 4.5
private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Task<string> task = OCRengine();
rtTextArea.Text = await task;
private async Task<string> OCRengine()
using (TesseractEngine tess = new TesseractEngine(
"tessdata", "dic", EngineMode.TesseractOnly))
Page p = tess.Process(Pix.LoadFromFile(files[0]));
return p.GetText();
是的,您仍在在 UI 线程上完成所有工作.使用 async
Yes, you're still doing all the work on the UI thread. Using async
isn't going to automatically offload the work onto different threads. You could do this though:
private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string file = files[0];
Task<string> task = Task.Run(() => ProcessFile(file));
rtTextArea.Text = await task;
private string ProcessFile(string file)
using (TesseractEngine tess = new TesseractEngine("tessdata", "dic",
Page p = tess.Process(Pix.LoadFromFile(file));
return p.GetText();
使用 Task.Run
意味着 ProcessFile
The use of Task.Run
will mean that ProcessFile
(the heavy piece of work) is executed on a different thread.
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