I have this piece of code in our logging library
var stackTrace = new StackTrace();
string operationName = stackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name;
根据我使用 PerfView 工具的性能分析,它显示为
And as per my performance analysis using the PerfView Tool it shows up as
Does anyone know of the performance implications by the code that i have added?If yes is there any other way that i can get method name without having greater performance impact?
我目前在 4 核机器上以 1000 TPS 的速度运行它.我看到它使用了我的 CPU 的 15.1%
I am currently running it as 1000 TPS on a 4 core machine. And i see that the it uses 15.1% of my CPU
从 C# 5 开始,肯定让编译器将其烘焙到调用站点中会更好,而是使用 [CallerMemberName]
As of C# 5, it would definitely be better to get the compiler to bake this into the call site instead, using [CallerMemberName]
public void Log(string message, [CallerMemberName] caller = null)
public void DoSomething()
logger.Log("A message");
... 被 C# 编译器转换成
... is converted by the C# compiler into
public void DoSomething()
logger.Log("A message", "DoSomething");
这篇关于由于 StackTrace 构造函数和获取方法名称而导致的性能影响的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!