HttpListener为您提供响应流,但调用flush意味着什么(从源代码来看很清楚,因为它实际上什么都不做)。挖掘HTTP API内部显示这是HttpListener本身的限制。
HttpListener gives you response stream, but calling flush means nothing (and from sources it's clear, because it's actually doing nothing). Digging inside HTTP API shows that this is a limitation of HttpListener itself.
任何人都知道如何刷新HttpListener的响应流(可能是反射或额外的P / Invokes) ?
Anyone knows exactly how to flush response stream of HttpListener (may be with reflection or additional P/Invokes)?
Update: You can't http stream anything if you don't have a flush option or ability to define buffer size.
Flush only works in most of the System.Net namespace when Transfer-Encoding is set to Chuncked, else the whole request is returned and Flush really does nothing. At least this is what I have experienced while working with HttpWebResponse.