My app have a basic login screen, an outer box and in it, some text fields and buttons. I set the box to fill the screen. However, on some devices this box will be too big. How do I set maximum width and height to a view?
You can use auto-layout constraints so that the box adapts to the screen size, but does not exceed a given width and height. To do this, set a "less than or equal to" constraint on the width and height.
- 在框中添加顶部,底部,前导,尾随,宽度和高度约束.
- 将顶部,底部,前导和尾随约束的优先级设置为高(750).
- 将宽度和高度约束的关系设置为小于或等于(≤).默认值为等于.
- 将宽度和高度约束的优先级设置为必需(1000).
- 将宽度和高度约束的常数设置为您要使框成为的最大大小.
- Add top, bottom, leading, trailing, width and height constraints to the box.
- Set the priority of the top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints to High (750).
- Set the relation for the width and height constraints to Less Than or Equal (≤). The default value is Equal.
- Set the priority of the width and height constraints to Required (1000).
- Set the constant of the width and height constraints to the maximum size you want the box to be.