'update-approved-product-campaign-ad' this is the child state of 'product-campaigns.product-campaign-detail' when i call child state through ui-sref parent state view gets called along with child state view which i don't want. I want only child state view.
This can be done using view targeting.
Say you have an unnamed ui-view for the parent at the root. When the child is activated, it can take over the parent's unnamed view using targeted views. The child view can put its own content directly into the parent's view:
var app = angular.module("plunker", ['ui.router'])
app.config(function($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('parent', {
url: "",
template: "<a ui-sref='.child'>Go to child</a><h1>Parent</h1>"
}).state('parent.child', {
url: '/child',
views: {
"@": {
template: "<a ui-sref='^'>Back to parent</a><h1>child</h1>"
or it could replace the parent view with a template that just has a nested ui-view, which it in turn targets
var app = angular.module("plunker", ['ui.router'])
app.config(function($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('parent', {
url: "",
template: "<a ui-sref='.child'>Go to child</a><h1>Parent</h1>"
}).state('parent.child', {
url: '/child',
views: {
"@": {
template: "<small>parent ui-view overridden by parent.child</small> <div ui-view='child'/>"
"child@parent.child": {
template: "<a ui-sref='^'>Back to parent</a><h1>child</h1>"
目标命名视图是视图名@ Statename的。命名视图@是指目标命名为空字符串()的观点,在(@)根的状态()。
Targeted named views are "viewname@statename". The named view "@" means target the view named empty string ("") at (@) the root state ("").