我正在尝试添加一个图像(小箭头 gif 图标),该图像已上传到我的 Drupal 主题文件(root/sites/all/themes/mytheme/images)中的图像目录.
I am trying to add an image (small arrow gif icon) which is uploaded to the image directory within my Drupal theme files (root/sites/all/themes/mytheme/images).
以下工作在 page.tlp.php 级别,它也在 field.tlp.php 级别工作 - 但它不会在 node.tlp.php 中工作.node.tlp.php 文件有效运行,但图像不显示!如果我将完全相同的代码粘贴到上述其他模板中,它确实会显示..??
The following works at the page.tlp.php level, and it also is working at the field.tlp.php level - but it won't work in node.tlp.php. The node.tlp.php file is working effectively but the image doesn't show! If I paste exactly the same code into the other afore mentioned templates it does show..??
<img src="<?php print base_path() . path_to_theme(); ?>/images/arrow-right.gif" width="20" height="13" alt="Arrow Right">
任何想法我应该如何引用 node.tlp.php 文件中的图像?
Any ideas how I should reference an image in a node.tlp.php file?
Using drupal_get_path()
而不是 path_to_theme()
Using drupal_get_path()
instead of path_to_theme()
may work, worth a shot
<img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'THEMENAME'); ?>/images/arrow-right.gif" width="20" height="13" alt="Arrow Right">
这篇关于Drupal 7 - 将图像添加到 node.tlp.php 主题文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!