To some this may sound like a daft question. I've searched around, and found little, mostly because I cannot find the appropriate search terms.
The application begins at view A.
View A launches view B, and view B launches view C.
Is their a way for view C to return directly back to A without dismissing itself and thus exposing B. For example a main menu button.
I have discovered a solution to my problem. Its a bit dirty, (and I''ll probably get shot down in flames for it) but works very well under tests and is very quick to implement. Here's how I did it.
在我的应用程序中,我有一个名为 GlobalVars 的Singleton类(我使用它来存储各种全局设置)。该类包含一个名为 home_pressed 的布尔值和相关的访问器(通过合成)。如果您愿意,也可以将此值存储在应用程序委托中。
In my app I have a Singleton class called GlobalVars (I use this for storing various global settings). This class holds a boolean called home_pressed and associated accessors (via synthesise). You could also store this value in the application delegate if you wish.
在每个带有主菜单按钮的视图控制器中,我将按钮连接到 homePressed IBAction方法如下。首先将全局 homePressed 布尔设置为 YES ,然后以常规方式关闭视图控制器,但使用 NO 动画。
In every view controller with a main menu button, I wire the button to the homePressed IBAction method as follows. First setting the global homePressed boolean to YES, then dismissing the view controller in the usual way, but with NO animation.
-(IBAction) homePressed: (id) sender
[GlobalVars _instance].homePressed = YES;
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: NO];
}//end homePressed
在除主菜单之外的每个视图控制器中,我实现了 viewDidAppear 方法(在视图重新出现时调用),如下所示。
In every view controller except the main menu I implement the viewDidAppear method (which gets called when a view re-appears) as follows.
-(void) viewDidAppear: (Bool) animated
if ([GlobalVars _instance].homePressed == YES)
[self dismissModalViewController: NO];
//put normal view did appear code here/
}//end viewDidAppead
在 mainMenu 视图控制器中, root 应用程序,我在其视图中将全局 homePressed 布尔值设置为否确实显示如下方法
In the mainMenu view controller which is the root of the app, I set the global homePressed boolean to NO in its view did appear method as follows
-(void) viewDidAppear: (Bool) animated
if ([GlobalVars _instance].homePressed == YES)
[GlobalVars _instance].homePressed == NO;
//put normal view did appear code here/
}//end viewDidAppear
There, this enables me to go back to the root main menu of my app from any view further down the chain.
I was hoping to avoid this method, but its better than re-implementing my app which is what I'd have to do if I wanted use the UINavigationController solution.
简单,我花了10分钟在我的9视图应用程序中编码。 :)
Simple, took me 10 minutes to code in my 9 view app. :)
One final question I do have, would my solution be OK with the HIG?