


I'd like to work out the distance between two points. No map. No javascript. Just the distance.

我了解Google地图禁止这样做,这违反了他们的服务条款.但是Bing Maps没有此限制.

I understand Google maps prohibits this and it's against their terms of service. But Bing Maps doesn't have this restriction.


I want to give the points in a general format, i.e "Cambridge" "Church Street, Newcastle"


How would I go about doing it? As basic as possible. It's for a mobile device.


1.)在 http处注册Bing Maps密钥. ://www.bingmapsportal.com .密钥是长度约为64个字符的字母数字字符串,类似于:AtGYpcoIpC5zy0P2k4Bc4839b- = fLgbbnsp72T3ZrM0z7gAaMcjXlZPsKXghW

1.) Sign up for a Bing Maps key at http://www.bingmapsportal.com. A key is a alphanumeric string of around 64 characters in length, something like: AtGYpcoIpC5zy0P2k4Bc4839b-=fLgbbnsp72T3ZrM0z7gAaMcjXlZPsKXghW

2.)然后,向Bing Maps Routes API(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701717.aspx)发出请求,以生成最多25个航点之间的路线.对于给定的示例,将您的Bing Maps密钥替换为以下URL:

2.) Then, make a request to the Bing Maps Routes API (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701717.aspx) to generate a route between up to 25 waypoints. For the example given, substitute your Bing Maps key into the following URL:

http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/路线?wp.1 =英国剑桥和wp.2 =英国纽卡斯尔安德莱姆教堂街& key = ENTERYOURBINGMAPSKEYHERE

http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Routes?wp.1=Cambridge, UK&wp.2=Church St, Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK&key=ENTERYOURBINGMAPSKEYHERE

3.)您将获得一个JSON响应,其中包含路线,转弯路线等详细信息,如以下所述: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701718.aspx .在响应的底部附近给出了总行驶距离,称为"travelDistance"(在本例中为218.703).您还可以通过在首次请求路线时指定适当的distanceUnit参数来选择此值返回的单位.

3.) You'll get a JSON response containing details of the route, turn-by-turn directions etc. as described at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701718.aspx. The total driving distance is given quite near the bottom of the response, called "travelDistance" (in this case,218.703). You can also choose what units this value is returned in by specifying the appropriate distanceUnit parameter when you first request the route.


08-20 08:50