我聘请了一名自由职业者为我构建应用程序.我有一个个人开发帐户,我已将他添加为技术用户.他要求我向他发送分发和开发证书以及配置文件,或者让他成为 iTunes Connect 中的管理员角色.我应该用我的名字/电子邮件创建证书并将它们发送给他吗?或者他的名字/电子邮件?还是我应该让他成为管理员?什么是最好/最安全的行动方案?这仅用于测试目的,我将在项目完成后收到源代码.对 iOS 开发人员来说是一个全新的人,并且一直在网上寻找明确的答案.对不起,如果这是基本的!谢谢!
I have hired a freelancer to build an app for me. I have an individual dev account to which I have added him as a technical user. He has requested either that I send him distribution and development certs plus a provisioning profile OR to make him an admin role in iTunes Connect.Should I create certificates with my name/email and send them to him? Or with his name/email? Or should I just make him an admin? What is the best/safest course of action? This is just for testing purposes and I will be receiving the source code upon project completion.Totally new to iOS dev and have been scrounging around the web for a definitive answer. Sorry if this is rudimentary!Thanks!
您根本不需要将他添加为管理员.如果他有免费的开发者帐户,您可以向他发送添加到您的开发者帐户团队的请求,并可以创建开发者可以从中下载的开发和分发配置文件.对于证书请求,开发者需要从他的 Mac 发送请求,并可以从 developer.apple.com 下载.
You don't need to add him as a Admin at all. If he has a free developer account you can sent him a request to add to your developer account team and can create a development and distribution profile from which developer can download. For certificate request developer need to send the request from him Mac and can download it from developer.apple.com.
对于其他选项,我不确定它是否可行,因为需要在 Xcode 中添加最新的 XCode 环境开发人员帐户,但请尝试一下.
For other option i am not sure if it will work because from latest XCode environment developer account needs to be added in Xcode but give it a try.
如果您根本不想授予对开发者帐户的访问权限,则还有其他选项.创建并下载开发人员和分发配置文件并与 Freelancer 共享.对于证书,您需要一台 Mac.下面是创建证书的过程:http://www.aquafadas.com/en/documentation/sample-page/developer-apple-com-2/generating-your-development-certificate/
Other option if you don't at all want to give access to your developer account will be. Create and download the developer and distribution profile and share it with Freelancer.For Certificate you would be requiring a Mac. Below is a process of creating a certificate:http://www.aquafadas.com/en/documentation/sample-page/developer-apple-com-2/generating-your-development-certificate/
现在转到您的 KeyChain 访问并可以在那里看到您的证书:
Now goto your KeyChain access and can see your certificate there:
右键单击您的证书并导出iPhone Developer..."或iPhone Distribution...".将它保存到您的桌面.它将是一个 .p12 文件,保存时会要求输入密码.与自由职业者共享此 .p12 文件以及密码.共享开发者和分发证书.
Right Click your certificate and export "iPhone Developer..." or "iPhone Distribution.." . Save it to your desktop. It will be a .p12 file and will ask for password while saving.Share this .p12 file with the freelancer along with password. Share both Developer and Distribution certificate.
So now your freelancer has both Developer and Distribution certificate and provisional profile.
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