


How to turn off forced upper-case mode for table and column names in HSQL?


操作系统: Windows 7 x64



  • 在处理之前,SQL语句的所有部分都转换为大写,除了双引号中的标识符和单引号中的字符串 引号
  • 然后,将
  • 未加引号和双引号的标识符视为区分大小写
  • 除了MySQL和MS SQLServer在某些方面,大多数数据库引擎遵循相同的规则.
  • all parts of SQL statements are converted to upper case before processing, except identifiers in double quotes and strings in single quotes
  • identifiers, both unquoted and double quoted, are then treated as case-sensitive
  • most database engines follow the same rule, except, in some respects, MySQL and MS SQLServer.

无法关闭此行为. (值得注意的是,当不使用带引号的标识符时,标准SQL不区分大小写.)但是如上所述,可以通过将引号括起来来指定小写的标识符,例如:

AFAIK this behaviour can't be turned off. (It's worth noting that standard SQL is case-insensitive when quoted identifiers aren't used.) But as mentioned above, a lower case identifier can be specified by enclosing in quotes, e.g:

CREATE TABLE "lowercasetablename" ("lowercasecolname" INT);
SELECT "lowercasecolname" FROM "lowercasetablename";


09-18 08:31