本文介绍了.NET - 终结和退出(0)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个.NET C#/ C ++应用程序,它使用调用退出(0)(从< stdlib.h中> )在一个线程以终止。

I have a .NET C# / C++ app which uses a call to exit(0) (from <stdlib.h>) in a thread in order to terminate.


The strange part is, under some circumstances, the finalizers of the managed objects are called right after the call to exit, and in other circumstances, they are not called at all.

情节pretty的确定 - 应用程序调用来自外部插件的dll一些方法在其生命周期(写在非托管C)
如果我使用的DLL B,在终结器永远不会被调用。

The circumstances are pretty deterministic - the app calls some methods from an external plugin dll (written in unmanaged C) during its lifetime.
If I use dll A, the finalizers are always called.
If I use dll B, the finalizers are never called.

什么是终结的情况下退出的预期行为(0)打电话? (如果有任何预期-and documented-行为)

What's the expected behaviour of finalizers in case of an exit(0) call? (if there is any expected -and documented- behaviour)


Can the calls to the external dlls change some global setting that may impact the way the process is terminated?


据杰夫里氏的书,系统将试图调用终结的进程关闭,但同时存在每个终结(2秒),总-定稿(40秒)超时覆盖该过程中,在此之后,处理被中止。 (当然,确切时间可能现在改变了,这是正确的2.0)

According to Jeff Richter's book, the system does attempt to call finalizers at process shutdown, but there is both a per-finalizer (2s) and a total-finalization (40s) timeout covering this process, after which the process is aborted. (Of course, the exact times might have changed by now, that was right for 2.0)


Could you be seeing a finalizer which takes more than 2 seconds to run? That will cause finalisation to cease.

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09-18 07:08