本文介绍了Google 云端硬盘 - 无法通过经过身份验证的 (OAuth2) 请求下载缩略图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


对于所有 Google 文档,我无法从文件响应返回的 ThumbnailLink 属性下载缩略图.

For all Google Docs, I'm not able to download the thumbnail image from the ThumbnailLink property returned with a file response.

我总是收到403 - Forbidden"错误页面,其中包含类似以下的消息:

I always receive a '403 - Forbidden' error page with a message similar to this:

您的客户端无权从该服务器获取 URL/thumbnailLink.




I try to use the class MediaDownloader.cs provided by Google and I also try to download it by using this code:

using (Stream stream = service.HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(p_DownloadUrl).Result) {
    StreamUtilities.Copy(p_WriteDelegate, stream.Read);

其中服务"是正确实例化的 DriveService (IClientService) 对象.我可以用它来下载文件或提出任何其他请求.我使用Drive.Readonly"范围.

where 'service' is a DriveService (IClientService) object properly instantiated. I can use it to download the file or make any other requests. I use the 'Drive.Readonly' scope.

下载 Word、Excel、PDF 等文档的缩略图没有任何问题,因为这些链接是公开的,不需要任何类型的身份验证.

I didn't have any issue to download the Thumbnail for a Word, Excel, PDF, etc. documents, because these links are public and doesn't require any kind of authentication.


是否可以下载 Google Docs 文档的缩略图?

Is it possible to download the thumbnail for a Google Docs document?


我们最近进行了更改以解决此问题.请再次尝试您的代码,看看您是否仍然收到此错误.我能够运行以下代码来成功下载我的 Google 文档的缩略图.

We've recently made a change to fix this issue. Please try your code again and see if you are still getting this error. I was able to run the following code to successfully download a thumbnail of my Google Document.

# Get oauth credentials
# Authorize an http object
http = httplib2.Http()
http = credentials.authorize(http)

drive_service = build('drive', 'v2', http=http)

# Google Document type ID
docId = '1ns9x5BMIZAeUR-eXerqgpaHBBGkl_-_KCVpVoV5opn8'
files = drive_service.files().get(fileId=docId).execute()

thumbnailLink = files['thumbnailLink']
print 'Downloading thumbnail at: ', thumbnailLink
response, content = http.request(thumbnailLink)
print response.status

with open('thumbnail.jpg', 'wb') as f:

这篇关于Google 云端硬盘 - 无法通过经过身份验证的 (OAuth2) 请求下载缩略图的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 17:55