


If I uses a commonName in a legalName to create a node (at least for MockNetwork), then networkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName(legalName) returns null. After removing the commonName, it works. Is that by design?


这是Corda V1.0中的错误.创建节点时,名称的通用名称部分将被清空.但是,在使用网络图查找节点时,通用名称字段不会被清空,因此找不到匹配项.

This is a bug in Corda V1.0. When creating a node, the common name part of the name is nulled out. However, when looking up a node using the network map, the common name field is not nulled out, so no match is found.

当用通用名称创建常规节点时,Corda团队将向后移植对Corda V1.0的修复,以引发异常.在Corda V1.0中,公证群集仅使用一个通用名称来相互识别.

The Corda team will backport a fix to Corda V1.0 to throw an exception when a regular node is created with a common name. In Corda V1.0, a common name is used solely by notary clusters to identify one another.


In a future version of Corda, the Corda team will examine re-enabling the common name field for regular nodes.


06-21 06:12