

我能够从 https://github设置示例.com/corda/samples/tree/release-V4/cordapp-example

按照 https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/4.4/tutorial-cordapp.html#running-nodes-across-machines

但是,我从未在文档中碰到过如何访问ubuntu中的CORDA Crash shell来键入Corda交互式shell来执行以下操作!通过交互式shell创建IOU#我们可以使用ExampleFlow $ Initiator流创建一个新的IOU.例如,从PartyA的交互式外壳中,您可以通过运行流程启动ExampleFlow $ Initiator iouValue:50,otherParty:"O = PartyB,L = New York,C = US",与PartyB达成50的IOU.

However, i never come across in documentation how to access the CORDA Crash shell in ubuntu to type in Corda interactive shell to execute the following !Creating an IOU via the interactive shell #We can create a new IOU using the ExampleFlow$Initiator flow. For example, from the interactive shell of PartyA, you can agree an IOU of 50 with PartyB by running flow start ExampleFlow$Initiator iouValue: 50, otherParty: "O=PartyB,L=New York,C=US".


Can anybody clarify how to launch access to Corda interactive shell when on remote ubuntu machine?



You can access the shell in one of 2 ways:

  1. 通过 ssh
  2. 通过独立shell


06-21 06:07