我有2个SQL表:一个表示旅游,另一个表示这些旅行的预订。结构如下: tours
预订表格有一个日期FK,但表格非常简单,并不重要,因为它没有给我任何麻烦。 / p>
现在我需要过滤我的旅行,只向客户展示仍然可以容纳他想要的乘客人数的旅游。所以,假设旅游的最大参与人数为50人,并且在特定日期的多次预订中已经有48名乘客,我必须拒绝3名乘客(48 + 3> = 50)的额外预订,但接受2名乘客的额外预订(作为48 + 2> = 50)。
select * from`tours`其中`state` = 1
并存在(select * from`bookings` ````````````````````````````````具有SUM(num_passengers)+2
code> $ tours = Tour :: where('state',1)
- > whereHas('toursBookings',function($ query)use($ request,$ date){
return $ query-> where('date',$ date-> id)
- > havingRaw('SUM(num_passengers)+'。$ request-> get('fi lter_number_passengers')。 '< =?',[50]);
- > get();
有人可以找出一种方法来解决这个问题,而不是硬编码吗?它应该是 tours
。 max_participants
$ max_participants = [ 50];
$ tours = Tour :: where('state',1)
- > whereHas('toursBookings',function($ query)use($ request,$ date,$ max_participants){
return $ query-> where('date',$ date-> id)
- > havingRaw('SUM(num_passengers)+'。$ request-> get('filter_number_passengers')。 '< = tours.max_participants');
- > get();
I have 2 SQL tables: one that represent tours and the other that represents bookings for those tours. Structure is as follows:
(int) id
(int) max_participants
(int) state
(int) id
(fk) tour
(fk) date
(int) num_passengers
The bookings table has a date FK but that table is very simple and not important as it is not giving me any trouble.
Now I need to filter my tours and only show to the client the tours that can still accommodate his desired number of passengers. So, assuming a tour has a max_participants of 50 and there are already 48 num_passengers in several bookings for a certain date, I must refuse an additional booking of 3 passengers (as 48+3>=50) but accept an additional booking of 2 passengers (as 48+2>=50).
I came out with this SQL and it works great (some values are hardcoded for readability but they are working with variables):
select * from `tours` where `state` = 1
and exists (select * from `bookings` where `bookings`.`tour` = `tours`.`id` and `date` = 280 having SUM(num_passengers) + 2 <= `tours`.`max_participants`)
When I try to do it in eloquent I got this far:
$tours = Tour::where('state', 1)
->whereHas('toursBookings', function ($query) use ($request, $date) {
return $query->where('date', $date->id)
->havingRaw('SUM(num_passengers) + ' . $request->get('filter_number_passengers') . ' <= ?', [50]);
The works like a charm and does all that it is supposed to do BUT the number 50 is hardcoded! This is a serious problem as each tour has a different number of max_participants.
Can anyone figure out a way to solve this and un-hardcode that 50? It should be tours
as in the SQL.
If I understood correctly you can do something like this
$max_participants = [50];
$tours = Tour::where('state', 1)
->whereHas('toursBookings', function ($query) use ($request, $date,$max_participants) {
return $query->where('date', $date->id)
->havingRaw('SUM(num_passengers) + ' . $request->get('filter_number_passengers') . ' <= tours.max_participants');