


I've rendered a d3 map that has pan and zoom enabled, but when scrolling down the viewport either on desktop or mobile, the window gets stuck zooming in the map.


Is there a way to temporarily disable d3.zoom, while the window is scrolling?

我已经看到了使用按钮切换缩放/平移的方法,如下所示: http://jsfiddle. net/0xncswrk/,但是我想知道是否有可能无需添加按钮.这是我当前的缩放逻辑.

I've seen ways of toggling the zoom/pan using a button as seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/0xncswrk/, but I wanted to know if it's possible without having to add a button. Here's my current zoom logic.


this.zoom = d3.zoom()
  .scaleExtent([1, 8])
  .on('zoom', () => {
    this.svg.attr('transform', d3.event.transform);

this.svg = d3.select(this.el).append('svg')
    .attr('width', '100%')
    .attr('height', this.height)
    .attr('class', 'bubble-map__svg-us')



Wow old answer but never saw your comment. Sorry about that. Yeah sorry I forgot to consider mobile zooming.

在文档中,也许这是新的,但是他们建议通过使用 zoom.filter .对于与触摸相关的事件,它们还支持 zoom.touchable .

In the documentation, perhaps this is new, but they recommend having more granular control of what zoom you allow by using zoom.filter. For touch related events, they also support zoom.touchable.

d3-zoom 文档中指定的

As specified in the d3-zoom documentation

选择 .call(缩放) .on("wheel.zoom",null);

selection .call(zoom) .on("wheel.zoom", null);


You can also consider just setting the scaleExtent to be [1,1] especially if it's just temporary so it locks the zoom to only one possible scale but preferably you opt for what the documentation says :P


10-27 23:17