


Sorry i had to write like a code, it said i couldn't post links (i didn't)

Hello everyone, i recently heard of Microsoft bing's ads, and I'm trying to implement it to my project since then.

I've got a java desktop application and my aim was to make some profit out of it, so i added the dependencies to the project, and tried to run the example on bing ads page.
So, a new window open with a Microsoft sing in.

after i sing in with my mail and password it asks for some permissions and then a blank page appears. I don't think that's how the program should work, and besides, why is it asking for the sing in? All i wanted was to put some ads on a side of the screen, is this how this works?

Apart of that example, i can't find how to put the ad visual component in my gui. I mean a component that works with swing or fx.
Maybe this question is a bit silly, but i already read all the documentation and i can't understand how this works. I never worked with ads before, so this is a whole new world to me. I hope you guys can help me! thanks 


Bing Ads面向广告客户,例如通过搜索广告系列对关键字出价要通过应用获利,请参阅

Bing Ads is geared towards advertisers e.g. bid on keywords via search campaigns. To monetize your app, please seeMonetize your apps.



10-25 02:54