


How can I play music from the ipod music library (like user-defined playlists, etc.) at a different volume than the system volume?


实际上,我发现加载iPod URL进行播放,然后通过AVAudioPlayer进行播放.

Actually I found a really easy way to do this by loading iPod URL's from MPMusicPlayer, but then doing playback through AVAudioPlayer.

// Get-da iTunes player thing
MPMusicPlayerController* iTunes = [MPMusicPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer]; 

// whazzong
MPMediaItem *currentSong = [iTunes nowPlayingItem];

// whazzurl
NSURL *currentSongURL = [currentSong valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL];

info( "AVAudioPlayer playing %s", [currentSongURL.absoluteString UTF8String] ) ;

// mamme AVAudioPlayer
NSError *err;
avAudioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:currentSongURL error:&err] ;
if( err!=nil )
  error( "AVAudioPlayer couldn't load %s", [currentSongURL.absoluteString UTF8String] ) ;
avAudioPlayer.numberOfLoops = -1; //infinite

// Play that t
[avAudioPlayer prepareToPlay] ;
[avAudioPlayer play];

[avAudioPlayer setVolume:0.5]; // set the AVAUDIO PLAYER's volume to only 50%. This
// does NOT affect system volume. You can adjust this music volume anywhere else too.


09-17 08:22