Postgres docs say it has a URL parser as part of its full text search. This blog post has a regex which may or may not be bulletproof. What is best?
如果您不使用Redshift,我会说使用PL/Perlu,PL/Python或其他一种过程语言来获取常规URL解析器".由于您使用的是Pg 8.1的专有分支,因此我不得不怀疑自己会遇到hacky regexp.
If you weren't using Redshift, I'd say "use PL/Perlu, PL/Python, or one of the other procedural languages to get a regular URL parser". Since you're on a proprietary fork of Pg 8.1 you're going to have to settle for a hacky regexp I suspect.
There is no way to access the full-text search URL parser from the SQL level. You could write a C extension to expose the function to SQL quite easily, but of course you can't install the extension in Redshift, so again it won't do you any good.
Time to abuse regular expressions.
(BTW, thanks for actually saying you're on redshift; too many people say "PostgreSQL" when they mean "a vaguely PostgreSQL based hosted version of ParAccel")