


    sgrep ()
    local OPTIND;
    if getopts i o; then
        grep --color=auto -P -in "$1" "$2";
        shift $((OPTIND-1));
        grep --color=auto -P -n "$1" "$2";
    fi | sed -E -n 's/^([0-9]+).*/\1/p' | xargs -I{} vim +"{}" "$2";
    stty sane

如果使用-i调用,则应使用区分大小写的grep.但是当它放置时,将-i放置在search string位置,将search string放置在位置:

It should use grep case sensitive, if it is invoke with -i. But when it is, the it put -i is in place of search string and search string is in place of somefile:

$ set -x
$ sgrep 'somesearch' 'somefile'
+ sgrep -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
+ local OPTIND
+ sed -E -n 's/^([0-9]+).*/\1/p'
+ getopts i o
+ grep --color=auto -P -in -i 'somesearch'

在调用中,grep将$1(应为搜索字符串)作为-i,因此搜索字符串代替了file,因此不会调用(请注意.正在等待文件或标准输入-就像grep没有指定文件一样).我认为$((OPTIND-1))会根据此解释shell命令:shift $((($ optind-1)),但不这样做. 1)有人可以解释吗? +在我的情况下,对$OPTIND的很少解释也是很好的. 2)最后一个问题:为什么grep失败时|| exit 1 |不会在另一个管道之前不退出?

In invocation, the grep takes the $1 (which should be search string), as -i, so the search string is in place of file and therefor not invokes (respect. waiting for file or stdin - as grep does without file specified). I thought the $((OPTIND-1)) would shift the one option out according to this Explain the shell command: shift $(($optind - 1)) but it does not. 1) Can someone explain? + little explanation of the $OPTIND in my case would be good as well. 2) last question: why does || exit 1 | does not exit before another pipe when grep fail?




Question 1, getopts problems:

As I said in a comment, you need to make OPTIND and opt local to the function, so it doesn't inherit values from previous runs of the function. To understand why this is, let me start with your original function (from the first version of your question), and add some instrumentation in the form of echo commands to show how things change as it runs:

sgrep ()
    echo "Starting sgrep, OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    if getopts "i" i; then
        shift $((OPTIND-1));
        echo "Parsed -$i flag, OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    echo "Done parsing,   OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    # grep --color=auto -P ${opt} "$1" "$2" || exit 1 | sed -E -n 's/^([0-9]+)/\1/p' | xargs -I{} vim +"{}" "$2";


...and try running that, first with no -i flag:

$ sgrep 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='1', opt='', args=somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='1', opt='', args=somesearch somefile


And it worked fine! After parsing, opt is empty (as it should be), and both "somesearch" and "somefile" remain in the argument list to be passed to grep.

在继续之前,我应该对OPTIND进行一些解释. getopts被设计为可重复运行以遍历标志(又称选项)参数,而OPTIND是它跟踪处理参数列表的位置的一部分.特别是,它是 next 参数的编号,需要检查该参数以查看它是否是一个标志(如果存在,则进行处理).在这种情况下,它从1开始(即$1是要检查的下一个arg),并停留在该位置,因为$1是常规参数,而不是标志.

I should explain a little about OPTIND, though, before going on. getopts is designed to be run repeatedly to iterate through the flag (aka option) arguments, and OPTIND is part of how it keeps track of where it is in processing the argument list. In particular, it's the number of the next argument that it needs to examine to see if it's a flag (and process it if it is). In this case, it start off at 1 (i.e. $1 is the next arg to examine), and it stays there because $1 is a regular argument, not a flag.

顺便说一句,如果您像往常一样在处理后执行了shift $((OPTIND-1)),它将执行shift 0,这将使arg列表中的所有零标志参数成为可能.就像应该的那样. (另一方面,如果您有一个循环并将shift放入循环内,则会从getopts下更改arg列表,从而导致它无法跟踪其位置并感到非常困惑.这就是您为什么这样做的原因.将shift 放在之后.)

BTW, if you'd done shift $((OPTIND-1)) after processing as usual, it'd do shift 0, which would all zero flag arguments from the arg list. Just as it should. (On the other hand, if you had a loop and put shift inside the loop, it'd change the arg list out from under getopts, causing it to lose track of its place and get very confused. That's why you put the shift after the loop.)


Ok, let's try it with an actual flag:

$ sgrep -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='1', opt='', args=-i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile

再次,它工作正常!它解析了-i,适当地设置了opt,将OPTIND递增为2,所以如果您有一个循环,它将检查第二个参数,发现它是一个常规参数,然后停止循环.然后shift $((OPTIND-1))移出一个标志参数,将非标志参数传递给grep.

Again, it worked properly! It parsed the -i, set opt appropriately, incremented OPTIND to 2 so if you'd had a loop it would've examined the second argument, found it's a regular argument, and stopped the loop. And then shift $((OPTIND-1)) shifted off the one flag argument, leaving the non-flag ones to be passed to grep.


Let's try it again, with the same flag:

$ sgrep -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=-i somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=-i somesearch somefile

糟糕,现在一切都变糟了,这是因为它从上次运行中继承了OPTINDopt. OPTIND为2表示getopts已经对其进行了检查,而不必再次进行处理.它查看$2,发现它不是以-开头,因此它不是标志,因此它返回false,并且if不会运行,并且flag参数不会移开.同时,从上次运行开始,opt仍设置为"-i".

Oops, now it's all gone screwy, and it's because it inherited OPTIND and opt from the previous run. OPTIND being 2 tells getopts that it's already examined $1 and doesn't have to process it again; it looks at $2, sees it doesn't start with - so it isn't a flag, so it returns false, and the if doesn't run and the flag argument doesn't get shifted away. Meanwhile, opt is still set to "-i" from the last run.


That is why getopts hasn't been working right for you. To prove it, let's modify the function to make both variables local:

sgrep ()
    local OPTIND opt    # <- This is the only change here
    echo "Starting sgrep, OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    if getopts "i" i; then
        shift $((OPTIND-1));
        echo "Parsed -$i flag, OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    echo "Done parsing,   OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    # grep --color=auto -P ${opt} "$1" "$2" || exit 1 | sed -E -n 's/^([0-9]+)/\1/p' | xargs -I{} vim +"{}" "$2";


$ sgrep -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=-i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile
$ sgrep -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=-i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile


Now it starts off a little weird because OPTIND is blank instead of 1, but that's not actually a problem because getopts assumes it should start at 1. So it parses the argument, sets opt (which didn't inherit a bogus value from before), and shifts the flag out of the argument list.


There is a problem, though. Suppose we pass an illegal (/unsupported) flag:

$ sgrep -k 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=-k somesearch somefile
-bash: illegal option -- k
Parsed -? flag, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile


Oops again. Since getopts processed an argument starting with -, it printed an error but went ahead and returned true with the variable i set to "?" to indicate there was a problem. Your system didn't check that, it just assumed it must be -i.


Now, let me show you the standard (recommended) version, with a while loop and a case on the flag, with an error handler. I've also taken the liberty of removing single semicolons from the end of lines, 'cause they're useless in shell:

sgrep ()
    local OPTIND opt
    echo "Starting sgrep, OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    while getopts "i" i; do
        case "$i" in
            i )
                echo "Parsed -$i flag, OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
            * )
                return 1 ;;
    shift $((OPTIND-1))
    echo "Done parsing,   OPTIND='$OPTIND', opt='$opt', args=$*" >&2
    # grep --color=auto -P ${opt} "$1" "$2" || exit 1 | sed -E -n 's/^([0-9]+)/\1/p' | xargs -I{} vim +"{}" "$2"


$ sgrep 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='1', opt='', args=somesearch somefile
$ sgrep -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=-i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=-i somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile
$ sgrep 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='1', opt='', args=somesearch somefile
$ sgrep -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=-i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=-i somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile


...Parsing works as expected, even with repeated runs. Check the error handling:

$ sgrep -k 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=-k somesearch somefile
-bash: illegal option -- k


And since there's a loop, it handles multiple flags (even if there's only one defined flag):

$ sgrep -i -i -i -i 'somesearch' 'somefile'
Starting sgrep, OPTIND='', opt='', args=-i -i -i -i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='2', opt='-i', args=-i -i -i -i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='3', opt='-i', args=-i -i -i -i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='4', opt='-i', args=-i -i -i -i somesearch somefile
Parsed -i flag, OPTIND='5', opt='-i', args=-i -i -i -i somesearch somefile
Done parsing,   OPTIND='5', opt='-i', args=somesearch somefile

现在,您可能会抱怨说,对于这样一个简单的任务,这是很多代码(只是一个可能的标志!),您将是对的.但这基本上是样板.您不必每次都写整个东西,只需复制一个标准示例,填写选项字符串和大小写即可处理它们,仅此而已.如果它不在函数中,则您将没有local命令,并且可以使用exit 1而不是return 1来纾困,但是仅此而已.

Now, you might complain that that's a lot of code for such a simple task (just one possible flag!), and you'd be right. But it's basically boilerplate; you don't have to write that whole thing every time, just copy a standard example, fill in the options string and cases to handle them, and that's pretty much it. If it weren't in a function you wouldn't have the local command, and you'd use exit 1 instead of return 1 to bail out, but that's about it.

如果您真的希望它简单,只需使用if [ "$1" = "-i" ],而不必担心使用getopts的复杂性.

If you really want it to be simple, just use if [ "$1" = "-i" ], and don't get involved with the complexities of using getopts.


There are actually three problems with that approach: first, to exit a function you use return instead of exit.


Second, the shell parses pipes with higher precedence than || so the command was treated as:

    grep --color=auto -P ${opt} "$1" "$2"
Logical or'ed with:
    exit 1 | sed -E -n 's/^([0-9]+)/\1/p' | xargs -I{} vim +"{}" "$2"


    grep --color=auto -P ${opt} "$1" "$2" || exit 1
Piped to:
    sed -E -n 's/^([0-9]+)/\1/p' | xargs -I{} vim +"{}" "$2"


Third, and most importantly, the elements of a pipeline run in subprocesses. For shell commands like exit and return, that means they run in subshells, and running exit or return (or break or ...) in a subshell doesn't have that effect on the parent shell (i.e the one running the function). That means there's nothing you can do within the pipeline to make the function return directly.


In this case, I think your best option is something like:

grep ... | otherstuff
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne 0 ]; then
    return 1


07-22 15:50