



 code> private Map< K,V> map = new HashMap<>(); 

一个方法将通过调用 put )


  int size = map.size(); // size> 0 
V [] value_array = map.values()。toArray(new V [size]);
Random rand = new Random();
int start = rand.nextInt(size); int end = rand.nextInt(size);
// return value_array [start .. end - 1]


我有一个 ConcurrentModificationException 错误:

 在java.util.HashMap $ HashIterator.nextEntry(未知源)
在java.util.HashMap $ ValueIterator.next(未知源)
在java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray (未知来源)

看起来 toArray()方法在一个线程实际上是迭代HashMap和 put()修改在其他线程发生。


直接避免在第二种方法中使用 values()。toArray()也可以。

put 被阻止,而 toArray 调用正在执行,反之亦然。有两种简单方法:

  1. 将您的电话接到 put toArray

      private Map< K,V& map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); 

  2. 使用而不是 HashMap

编辑:使用 Collections.synchronizedMap 的问题是,一旦调用 values() ,并发保护将消失。此时,调用 put() toArray()可能会同时执行。 A ConcurrentHashMap 有一些类似的问题,但它仍然可以使用。在:


I have a HashMap

private Map<K, V> map = new HashMap<>();

One method will put K-V pair into it by calling put(K,V).

The other method wants to extract a set of random elements from its values:

int size = map.size();    // size > 0
V[] value_array = map.values().toArray(new V[size]);
Random rand = new Random();
int start = rand.nextInt(size); int end = rand.nextInt(size);
// return value_array[start .. end - 1]

The two methods are called in two different concurrent threads.


I got a ConcurrentModificationException error:

at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(Unknown Source)
at java.util.HashMap$ValueIterator.next(Unknown Source)
at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(Unknown Source)

It seems that the toArray() method in one thread is actually iterating over the HashMap and a put() modification in other thread occurs.


You need to provide some level of synchronization so that the call to put is blocked while the toArray call is executing and vice versa. There are two simple approaches:

  1. Wrap your calls to put and toArray in synchronized blocks that synchronize on the same lock object (which might be the map itself or some other object).

  2. Use a ConcurrentHashMap instead of a HashMap.

EDIT: The problem with using Collections.synchronizedMap is that once the call to values() returns, the concurrency protection will disappear. At that point, calls to put() and toArray() might execute concurrently. A ConcurrentHashMap has a somewhat similar problem, but it can still be used. From the docs for ConcurrentHashMap.values():


10-22 15:02