本文介绍了查找 GPS 信号强度的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有什么方法可以获取 iPhone 的 GPS 信号强度?我想做一些这样的展示:

Is there any way to get an iPhone's GPS signal strength? I'd like to make some kind of display like this:

  • 如果 GPS = 0 或无信号:颜色 = 红色/信号差或无信号
  • 如果 GPS =
  • 如果 GPS = >140 m 信号:颜色 = 绿色/良好或极好信号


不存在用于检查 GPS 信号强度的公共 API,但这听起来并不是您真正想要的.您绝对可以检查 CoreLocation 返回的位置的准确性.

No public API exists for checking GPS signal strength but it doesn't sound like that is what you are really looking for anyway. You absolutely can check the accuracy of the locations returned by CoreLocation.

查看CLLocation,它具有 horizo​​ntalAccuracyverticalAccuracy 属性,指示设备认为定位修复的准确度.

Look at CLLocation, it has horizontalAccuracy and verticalAccuracy properties which indicate how accurate the device believes that location fix to be.

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05-27 10:43