

问候语,我试图把一些BeanShell的脚本在我的Ant build.xml文件。我跟着Ant手册以及我可以,但我不断收到无法创建的javax脚本引擎BeanShell的当我运行蚂蚁。下面是测试目标,我写大多来自例子在Ant手册:

Greeting, I'm trying to put some Beanshell script in my Ant build.xml file. I've followed the Ant manual as well as I can but I keep getting "Unable to create javax script engine for beanshell" when I run Ant. Here is the test target I wrote mostly from examples in the Ant manual:

<target name="test-target">
    <script language="beanshell" setbeans="true">
            <fileset dir="c:\TEMP" includes="*.jar" />
        System.out.println("Hello world");

我的BeanShellBSH-2.0b4.jar文件是在脚本任务的类路径手工推荐的方式。希望我有正确的文件。现在\\ TEMP:我在C工作。
我一直在使用Google,现在想了一会儿。任何想法将大大AP preciated。谢谢你。

My beanshell "bsh-2.0b4.jar" file is on the script task's classpath the way the manual recommended. Hope I have the right file. I'm working in c:\TEMP right now.I've been googling and trying for a while now. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



First, you need jsr-engines.zip from here:


里面,你会发现JSR223 / BeanShell的/编译/ BSH-engine.jar。一些搜索暗示,你需要下载BSH-2.05b.jar。我发现在这里:

Inside, you'll find jsr223/beanshell/build/bsh-engine.jar. Some searching implied that you need to download bsh-2.05b.jar. I found it here:


The more easily findable bsh-2.0b4.jar also seemed to work, but it printed a message that implied it was experimental.


09-17 01:41