本文介绍了什么样的列表<E>Collectors.toList() 会返回吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在阅读Lambda 现状:图书馆版,并且我对一个声明感到惊讶:

I am reading State of the Lambda: Libraries Edition, and am being surprised by one statement:

Streams 部分下,有以下内容:

Under the section Streams, there is the following:

List<Shape> blue = shapes.stream()
                         .filter(s -> s.getColor() == BLUE)

文档没有说明 shapes 实际上是什么,我不知道它是否重要.

The document does not state what shapes actually is, and I do not know if it even matters.


What confuses me is the following: What kind of concrete List does this block of code return?

  • 它将变量分配给一个 List,这完全没问题.
  • stream()filter() 决定使用哪种列表.
  • Collectors.toList() 均未指定List 的具体类型.
  • It assigns the variable to a List<Shape>, which is completely fine.
  • stream() nor filter() decide what kind of list to use.
  • Collectors.toList() neither specifies the concrete type of List.

那么,这里使用了 List 的什么具体类型(子类)?有什么保证吗?

So, what concrete type (subclass) of List is being used here? Are there any guarantees?


如果您查看 Collectors#toList(),它指出 - 没有对类型、可变性、可序列化或线程的保证- 返回列表的安全性".如果您希望返回特定的实现,您可以使用 Collectors#toCollection(Supplier).

If you look at the documentation of Collectors#toList(), it states that - "There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List returned". If you want a particular implementation to be returned, you can use Collectors#toCollection(Supplier) instead.

Supplier<List<Shape>> supplier = () -> new LinkedList<Shape>();

List<Shape> blue = shapes.stream()
            .filter(s -> s.getColor() == BLUE)

从 lambda 中,你可以返回任何你想要的 List 实现.

And from the lambda, you can return whatever implementation you want of List<Shape>.



Or, you can even use method reference:

List<Shape> blue = shapes.stream()
            .filter(s -> s.getColor() == BLUE)

这篇关于什么样的列表&lt;E&gt;Collectors.toList() 会返回吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 02:22