本文介绍了Java Pong - 定时器线程睡眠仍然运行功能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在用 Java 打乒乓球

I'm making pong in java


    if (ball.getX() <= 0) {
        pause = true;
    if (ball.getX() >= this.getWidth()-ballWidth) {
        pause = true;

哪个应该让计时器休眠...线程休眠 1000 毫秒后,暂停将设置为 false 并且球应该继续移动 (ball.autoMove()):

which should sleep the timer... after the thread has slept for 1000ms, pause will be set to false and the ball should continue moving (ball.autoMove()):

public void timer() {
    int initialDelay = 1000;

    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
        public void run() {
            if (pause) {
                try {
                    ball.reset(width/2, height/2);
                    pause = false;
                catch (InterruptedException e) {
            ball.autoMove(velocityX, velocityY);
    }, initialDelay, 100);

球类 AutoMove() 函数:

Ball Class AutoMove() function:

public void autoMove(double velX, double velY) {
    xLoc = this.getX()+velX;
    yLoc = this.getY()+velY;

它完成所有这些...它休眠,暂停设置为 false,等等...但是当球在暂停 1 秒后重置(在屏幕中间重置...),它跳转到游戏面板的远端,它告诉我当线程休眠"时,ball.autoMove(velocityX, velocityY); 仍在更新坐标.

It does all of that... it sleeps, pause is set to false, etc... but when the ball is reset (reset in the middle of the screen...) after it pauses for 1 second, it jumps to the far side of the game panel which tells me that while the thread was "sleeping", ball.autoMove(velocityX, velocityY); was still updating the coordinates.


Why is this happening? Shouldn't that not be run?




timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {...}, initial, 100 );

在 1 秒的睡眠期间将 10 次 autoMove 添加到计时器队列中.

add 10 occurrences of autoMove to the timer queue during the sleep of 1 second.


The scheduling at fixed rate is right but you have to do nothing in place of sleeping.

将计数器设置为 10 并在每次调用方法时递减它,当它达到零时,继续以正常方式(与暂停"方式相反).

Set a counter to 10 and decrement it each time the method is called and when it reach zero, keep going on the normal way (in opposition to the "pause" way).

timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
   public void run() {
      if( pauseCount == 10 ) {
         ball.reset(width/2, height/2);
      if( pauseCount > 0 ) {
      else {
         ball.autoMove( velocityX, velocityY );
}, initialDelay, 100 );



import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class SO {

   static boolean isTrue = true;

   public static void main( String[] args ) {
      new Timer().scheduleAtFixedRate( new TimerTask() {
         @Override public void run() {
               System.currentTimeMillis() + ": " + Thread.currentThread());
               if( isTrue ) {
                  TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep( 1 );
                  isTrue = false;
            catch( InterruptedException e ){
      }, 0, 100 );


1369769673294: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main] <-- #1 at 308
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main] <-- #2 at 308
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674308: Thread[Timer-0,5,main] <-- #10 at 308, queued during the sleep
1369769674402: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674496: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674605: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674699: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674808: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674901: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]
1369769674995: Thread[Timer-0,5,main]

我们观察到激活就像排队一样,但实际上 Timer 类只有一个线程.它是模拟事件队列的逻辑,java.util.Timer 很清楚:

We observe the activation are like queued but in fact, the class Timer has only one thread.It's its logic which simulate the queue of events, the documentation of java.util.Timer is clear:

在固定速率执行中,每次执行都是相对于初始执​​行的预定执行时间.如果执行是由于任何原因(例如垃圾收集或其他背景活动),两个或多个执行将快速连续发生跟上来."从长远来看,执行频率将是正好是指定周期的倒数(假设系统Object.wait(long) 底层的时钟是准确的).由于以上,如果预定的第一次是过去,那么任何错过"的处决将被安排为立即赶上"执行.

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08-20 06:22