

d3.drag 的文档拖动事件的DOM元素目标将在this中提供给回调:

The documentation for d3.drag states the DOM element target of the drag event will be available in this to the callback:


But my call back is an object instance and this points to that object. So I need another way of accessing the current DOM element that is normally passed in this. How can I do it?



Use the second and the third arguments together to get this when this is not available:

d3.drag().on(typename, function(d, i, n) {
  //here, 'this' is simply n[i]


For a detailed explanation, have a look at the article below that I wrote to deal with this in arrow functions. The issue is different from yours, but the explanation is the same.


Here is a basic demo, try to drag a circle and look at the console:

var data = d3.range(5)
var svg = d3.select("body")
  .attr("width", 400)
  .attr("height", 100);
var circle = svg.selectAll(null)
  .attr("cy", 50)
  .attr("cx", function(d) {
    return 50 + 50 * d
  .attr("r", 10)
  .attr("fill", "tan")
  .attr("stroke", "black")
    .on("start", function(d, i, n) {
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>


PS: I'm using JSON.stringify on the D3 selection because Stack snippets freeze if you try to console.log a D3 selection.



Most of functions in D3.js accept an anonymous function as an argument. The common examples are .attr, .style, .text, .on and .data, but the list is way bigger than that.


In such cases, the anonymous function is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed:

  1. 当前基准(d)
  2. 当前索引(i)
  3. 当前组(nodes)
  4. this作为当前DOM元素.
  1. The current datum (d)
  2. The current index (i)
  3. The current group (nodes)
  4. this as the current DOM element.

原点,索引和当前组作为参数传递,这是D3.js中著名的第一,第二和第三参数(在D3 v3中,其参数传统上分别命名为dip). X).但是,使用this时,无需使用任何参数:

The datum, the index and the current group are passed as arguments, the famous first, second and third argument in D3.js (whose parameters are traditionally named d, i and p in D3 v3.x). For using this, however, one doesn’t need to use any argument:

.on("mouseover", function(){

当鼠标悬停在元素上时,以上代码将选择this.选中它是否可以在这种提琴中正常工作: https://jsfiddle.net/y5fwgopx/

The above code will select this when the mouse is over the element. Check it working in this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/y5fwgopx/


As a new ES6 syntax, an arrow function has a shorter syntax when compared to function expression. However, for a D3 programmer who uses this constantly, there is a pitfall: an arrow function doesn’t create its own this context. That means that, in an arrow function, this has its original meaning from the enclosing context.


This can be useful in several circumstances, but it is a problem for a coder accustomed to use this in D3. For instance, using the same example in the fiddle above, this will not work:

.on("mouseover", ()=>{

如果您对此表示怀疑,请参见以下小提琴: https://jsfiddle.net/tfxLsv9u/

If you doubt it, here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/tfxLsv9u/

嗯,这不是什么大问题:只要需要,您就可以简单地使用常规的老式函数表达式.但是,如果您想使用箭头函数编写所有代码,该怎么办?能否使用带有箭头功能 的代码,并且仍然可以在D3中正确使用this?

Well, that’s not a big problem: one can simply use a regular, old fashioned function expression when needed. But what if you want to write all your code using arrow functions? Is it possible to have a code with arrow functions and still properly use this in D3?

答案是,因为thisnodes[i]相同.当它描述时,提示实际上在D3 API上都存在:

The answer is yes, because this is the same of nodes[i]. The hint is actually present all over the D3 API, when it describes this:


The explanation is simple: since nodes is the current group of elements in the DOM and i is the index of each element, nodes[i] refer to the current DOM element itself. That is, this.


Therefore, one can use:

.on("mouseover", (d, i, nodes) => {

这是相应的小提琴: https://jsfiddle.net/2p2ux38s/


07-22 16:18