我正在使用颤振在我的应用程序中构建一个盒子布局列表.我想要盒子周围的虚线边框.我已经使用 card
就像 tomerpacific 在 这个回答,Flutter 目前没有虚线边框的默认实现.
我昨天工作了一段时间,并能够使用 CustomPainter
将 DashedRect
class _MyHomePageState extends State{@覆盖小部件构建(BuildContext 上下文){返回脚手架(应用栏:应用栏(标题:文本(widget.title),),身体:中心(孩子:容器(身高:400,宽度:300,颜色:Colors.black12,孩子:DashedRect(颜色:Colors.red,strokeWidth:2.0,gap:3.0,),),),);}}
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';导入飞镖:数学"作为数学;类 DashedRect 扩展 StatelessWidget {最终颜色颜色;最终双笔画宽度;最后的双重差距;虚线矩形({this.color = Colors.black, this.strokeWidth = 1.0, this.gap = 5.0});@覆盖小部件构建(BuildContext 上下文){返回容器(孩子:填充(填充:EdgeInsets.all(strokeWidth/2),孩子:自定义油漆(画家:DashRectPainter(颜色:颜色,笔画宽度:笔画宽度,间隙:间隙),),),);}}类 DashRectPainter 扩展 CustomPainter {双笔画宽度;颜色颜色;双间隙;DashRectPainter({this.strokeWidth = 5.0, this.color = Colors.red, this.gap = 5.0});@覆盖无效油漆(帆布画布,尺寸大小){绘制 dashedPaint = Paint()..color = 颜色..strokeWidth = 中风宽度..style = 绘画风格.stroke;双 x = 尺寸. 宽度;双 y = size.height;路径 _topPath = getDashedPath(a: 数学.Point(0, 0),b: 数学.Point(x, 0),间隙:间隙,);路径 _rightPath = getDashedPath(a: 数学.Point(x, 0),b: 数学.Point(x, y),间隙:间隙,);路径 _bottomPath = getDashedPath(a: 数学.Point(0, y),b: 数学.Point(x, y),间隙:间隙,);路径 _leftPath = getDashedPath(a: 数学.Point(0, 0),b: 数学.Point(0.001, y),间隙:间隙,);canvas.drawPath(_topPath, dashedPaint);canvas.drawPath(_rightPath, dashedPaint);canvas.drawPath(_bottomPath, dashedPaint);canvas.drawPath(_leftPath, dashedPaint);}路径 getDashedPath({@required math.Point<double>一个,@required math.Point<double>乙,@必需的间隙,}) {尺寸 size = 尺寸(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y);路径 path = Path();path.moveTo(a.x, a.y);布尔应该画=真;math.Point currentPoint = math.Point(a.x, a.y);弧度数 = math.atan(size.height/size.width);num dx = math.cos(radians) * gap <0?math.cos(弧度) * 间隙 * -1: math.cos(弧度) * 差距;num dy = math.sin(radians) * gap <0?math.sin(弧度) * 间隙 * -1: math.sin(弧度) * 差距;而 (currentPoint.x <= b.x && currentPoint.y <= b.y) {应该画?path.lineTo(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y): path.moveTo(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y);应该画=!应该画;currentPoint = math.Point(currentPoint.x + dx,currentPoint.y + dy,);}返回路径;}@覆盖bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) {返回真;}}
I am building a list of boxes layouts in my app using flutter. I want dotted border around the box. I have used card
widget to create the boxes. But, how can I get dotted border around the boxes?
I have added this as a package in pub.
Now, all you need to do is
color: Colors.black,
gap: 3,
strokeWidth: 1,
child: FlutterLogo(size: 148),
Working Solution [Outdated]
Like tomerpacific said in this answer, Flutter does not have a default implementation for dashed border at the moment.
I worked for some time yesterday and was able to come up with a solution using CustomPainter
. Hope this helps someone.
Add the DashedRect
to your container, like so
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Container(
height: 400,
width: 300,
color: Colors.black12,
child: DashedRect(color: Colors.red, strokeWidth: 2.0, gap: 3.0,),
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;
class DashedRect extends StatelessWidget {
final Color color;
final double strokeWidth;
final double gap;
{this.color = Colors.black, this.strokeWidth = 1.0, this.gap = 5.0});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(strokeWidth / 2),
child: CustomPaint(
DashRectPainter(color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, gap: gap),
class DashRectPainter extends CustomPainter {
double strokeWidth;
Color color;
double gap;
{this.strokeWidth = 5.0, this.color = Colors.red, this.gap = 5.0});
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
Paint dashedPaint = Paint()
..color = color
..strokeWidth = strokeWidth
..style = PaintingStyle.stroke;
double x = size.width;
double y = size.height;
Path _topPath = getDashedPath(
a: math.Point(0, 0),
b: math.Point(x, 0),
gap: gap,
Path _rightPath = getDashedPath(
a: math.Point(x, 0),
b: math.Point(x, y),
gap: gap,
Path _bottomPath = getDashedPath(
a: math.Point(0, y),
b: math.Point(x, y),
gap: gap,
Path _leftPath = getDashedPath(
a: math.Point(0, 0),
b: math.Point(0.001, y),
gap: gap,
canvas.drawPath(_topPath, dashedPaint);
canvas.drawPath(_rightPath, dashedPaint);
canvas.drawPath(_bottomPath, dashedPaint);
canvas.drawPath(_leftPath, dashedPaint);
Path getDashedPath({
@required math.Point<double> a,
@required math.Point<double> b,
@required gap,
}) {
Size size = Size(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y);
Path path = Path();
path.moveTo(a.x, a.y);
bool shouldDraw = true;
math.Point currentPoint = math.Point(a.x, a.y);
num radians = math.atan(size.height / size.width);
num dx = math.cos(radians) * gap < 0
? math.cos(radians) * gap * -1
: math.cos(radians) * gap;
num dy = math.sin(radians) * gap < 0
? math.sin(radians) * gap * -1
: math.sin(radians) * gap;
while (currentPoint.x <= b.x && currentPoint.y <= b.y) {
? path.lineTo(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y)
: path.moveTo(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y);
shouldDraw = !shouldDraw;
currentPoint = math.Point(
currentPoint.x + dx,
currentPoint.y + dy,
return path;
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
return true;
I do not expect this to fit in with all use cases and there is a lot of room for customization and improvement. Comment if you find any bugs.