浏览GNU C库的源代码,我发现inet_ntoa是用
Glancing at the source code of GNU C Library,I found the inet_ntoa is implementated with
static __thread char buffer[18]
我的问题是,由于有必要使用reeentrant inet_ntoa,为什么GNU C库的作者不使用malloc来实现它?
My question is, since there is a need to use reeentrant inet_ntoa,why do not the author of GNU C Library use malloc to implementate it?
The reason it's not using the heap is to conform with standards (POSIX) and other systems. The interface is just not such that you are supposed to free the buffer returned. It assumes static storage..
But by declaring it as thread local (with __thread
), two threads do not conflict with each other if they happen to both be calling the function. This is glibc's workaround for the brokenness of the interface.
It's true that this is not re-entrant or consistent with the spirit of that term. If you have a recursive function that calls it, you cannot rely on the buffer being the same between calls. But it can be used by multiple threads, which often is good enough.
顺便说一句,我刚刚记得,此函数有一个较新的版本,它使用调用者提供的缓冲区.参见 inet_ntop()
By the way, I just remembered, there is a newer version of this function that uses a caller-provided buffer. See inet_ntop()