我有两个 python 脚本.第一个只是等待用户键盘输入的脚本.当用户按下一个键时,它会打印一个按下的键值.
I have two python scripts. First one is just a script waiting for user keyboard input. When user presses a key it prints a pressed key value.
第二个脚本像这样使用 Popen 通过子进程调用第一个脚本
Second script calls first one through subprocess using Popen like this
p = Popen('python first_script.py', shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
print p.communicate(input="some value paased through")[0]
I got it working when I send through string values. But I don't know how to send keyboard event and how to read it properly.
本身没有发送键盘事件"(到子进程或任何其他进程)的设施.您需要其他方法,例如 这篇文章 展示的适用于 Windows 的方法.
per se has no facilities to "send keyboard events" (to the sub-process or to any other process). You need other aproaches, such as the one this article shows for Windows.