本文介绍了无法替换android studio中的默认图标的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我试图用默认图标替换的图像是512x512px .p​​ng。
更改图标我去app / res [新;图像资产; ...]。

任何想法?新版本的android studio在mipmap-xxx目录中放置了默认启动器图标(ic_launcher.png),所以只需复制并粘贴你的新的图标,并将其作为@ mmapmap / you_icon或代码R.mipmap.you_icon引用。如果你仍然想使用关键字'drawable',那么创建可绘制的文件夹(drawable-xxx),并把你的图标放在那里,并且用'@ drawable / you_icon'或者代码'R.drawable.you_icon'

The image I am trying to replace the default icon with is 512x512px .png.To change the icon I go app/res [new; image asset;...].It won't let me replace or create new icon set in the @drawable.My most recent thought are that I might not have unlocked some priveges but I am able edit contents of drawable by directly accessing it's location

Any ideas?


The new version of android studio put default launcher icon(ic_launcher.png) in mipmap-xxx directories, so just copy and paste your new icon to these directores, and reference it as '@mipmap/you_icon', or in code 'R.mipmap.you_icon'. If you still want to use the keyword 'drawable', then create the drawable folders(drawable-xxx), and put your icon there, and reference it as '@drawable/you_icon', or in code 'R.drawable.you_icon'

这篇关于无法替换android studio中的默认图标的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-16 20:26