我的应用包括一系列活动的,用户必须通过其进行以线性方式。比方说,这一系列的活动,看起来是这样的:A(重presents主菜单),B,C,D,E的用户继续像这样:A - > B - >ç - >ð - >电子在每一个这些活动中,用户必须或者输入数据或允许设备自动获得的数据(例如,通过网络或蓝牙)。
My application includes a series of Activities, through which the user must proceed in a linear fashion. Let's say that this series of activities looks like this: A (represents the main menu), B, C, D, E. The user proceeds like this: A -> B -> C -> D -> E. In each of these activities, the user must either input data or allow the device to get the data automatically (e.g. via the network or Bluetooth).
Occasionally, my app crashes in one of the middle activities. What ends up happening, typically, is that the app moves back an activity or two. For example, if my app crashes in Activity D, the app might move back to Activity C or B. But the problem is, after such a crash, the input data is in such a weird state that the app again crashes and shows the force close dialog, all the way back to Activity A, the main menu.
How can I catch these exceptions that cause these crashes globally throughout the application, so I can clean up the data and gracefully allow the user to return to the main menu?
import android.app.Application;
import android.util.Log;
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) {
Log.e("MyApplication", ex.getMessage());
Add the following line in AndroidManifest.xml file as Application attribute