


I'm quite confused about how styling in appcompat library works.


我们现在使用工具栏/动作条上所有支持实施  平台,这意味着我们不再阅读任何Android的:属性  有关行动吧。

对于那些已经拥有现有appcompat设置的应用程序,这意味着,  您应该删除它在重新设置的值相同的V14 +主题  Android的命名空间。请注意,这是仅适用于  款式/部件影响的行动吧。

For apps which already have existing appcompat setups, this means that you should remove your v14+ themes which re-set the same values in the android namespace. Please note, this is ONLY applicable for styles/widgets which affect the action bar.


For most apps, you now only need one theme declaration, in values/


So here is my question:

如果我想使用材料设计动作条在API 14+,我可以只使用与机器人提供appcompat_v7和风格是在共同价值/文件夹动作条/工具栏命名空间中删除?但为什么我看到人们写低于code:

If I want to use material design ActionBar in API 14+, I can just use ActionBar/Toolbar provided in appcompat_v7 and style it in the common value/ folder with the "android:" namespace removed ? but why am I seeing people writing code below:

<style name="MyTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="windowContentOverlay">@null</item>
    <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>


why is "android:" namespace there? what's the difference between the code above and using value-v21, value-v14, folders?


can someone explain or direct me to the right source?


是的,如果你使用AppCompat V21 +,你只需要与一个父一个主题 Theme.AppCompat (或分专题,如 Theme.AppCompat.Light )和你的不可以需要机器人:命名空间属性的动作栏/窗口相关的标志,也没有独立的主题V14,V20等顶级属性的完整列表,其中AppCompat提供跨所有层次的API可以在的。

Yes, if you use AppCompat v21+, you only need a single theme with a parent of Theme.AppCompat (or a subtheme such as Theme.AppCompat.Light) and you do not need the android: namespace attributes for action bar/window related flags, nor separate themes for v14, v20, etc. The full list of top level attributes which AppCompat provides across all API levels can be found in the AppCompat R.styleable Theme.

大部分的code互联网(包括developer.android.com网站的部分)上仍然为pre-V21 AppCompat编写的,其中的没有的要求都机器人:和非prefixed版本

Much of the code on the internet (including parts of the developer.android.com site) are still written for the pre-v21 AppCompat, which did require both the android: and non-prefixed versions.


09-16 04:30