

我正在尝试将chromecast集成到我的应用程序中,但是将android-support-v7-appcompat添加到我的项目时出现了构建问题。基本上,它具有一个attrs.xml文件,该文件的值与actionbarsherlock attrs.xml文件的值相同。有没有办法解决?这似乎有点荒谬,因为不同的库可能会冲突资源值。

I'm trying to get chromecast integration in my app but I'm having build issues when I add the android-support-v7-appcompat to my project. Basically it has an attrs.xml file that has the same values as the actionbarsherlock attrs.xml file. Is there anyway around this? This seems kind of ridiculous that different libraries can possibly conflict resource values.



I just encounter the same problem and had a hard time for several hours figuring this out. this is how I solved it.


  1. 我删除了support-v7-appcompat作为我的库。 (这将显示有关缺少主题的错误。)

  1. I removed support-v7-appcompat as my library. (This will show error regarding missing theme.)

对于全部,所有文件夹(均为)值中的styles.xml, values-v11和values-v14

For all the styles.xml in all folders (mine are) values, values-v11 and values-v14

样式名= AppBaseTheme 父= Theme.AppCompat.Light

style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light"


样式名称= AppBaseTheme parent = android:Theme.Light

style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="android:Theme.Light"

由于某种原因,在我的菜单xml文件中。 android:showAsAction有错误。我能够通过删除它然后保存然后从我拥有的另一个文件中复制同一件事来解决它,因为我想要该功能。 (真的很奇怪,那是相同的文字。)

for some reason, in my menu xml file. it had error for android:showAsAction. I was able to solve it by deleting it then save and then copying the same thing from another file i have because I want that function. (Really weird it was just the same text.)


I did my sherlock code adjustments needed for my app



09-16 04:26