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索引已经存储在不同的目录中。默认情况下, index1 存储在 ES_HOME / elasticsearch / nodes / 0 / indices / index1 index2 存储在 ES_HOME / elasticsearch / nodes / 0 / indices / index2 中。因此,您可以创建一个符号链接 ES_HOME / elasticsearch / nodes / 0 / indices / index1 指向 folder1 和符号链接 ES_HOME / elasticsearch / nodes / 0 / indices / index2 指向 folder2


For example.I have two folder,folder1 and folder2, to store the index. I want to specifies index1(index name) to store in folder1, and folder2 for index2.Is there some method to support it???:)


Indices are stored in different directories already. By default, index1 is stored in ES_HOME/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/index1 and index2 is stored in ES_HOME/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/index2. So you can create a symbolic link ES_HOME/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/index1 pointing to folder1 and a symbolic link ES_HOME/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/index2 pointing to folder2.

Starting with version 0.90.0.Beta1, Elasticsearch uses a store distributor to decide which directory a file should allocated to. Distributors can be configured on per index basis, so it's possible to create a plugin with a distributor that will always allocate index in a particular directory.


10-25 05:33