在Mac机-Xamarin Studio的Xamarin测试云上运行UITest时,我遇到停滞错误". UITest是为Xamarin.ios应用程序编写的,该应用程序仅具有AppLaunches测试的代码(默认代码),而代码是app.Screenshot("First screen").我的BeforeEachTest如下图所示
I am facing "Stalled error" when running UITest on Xamarin test cloud from mac machine - Xamarin studio. UITest is written for Xamarin.ios application, which is just having code (the default code) AppLaunches test and code is app.Screenshot("First screen").My BeforeEachTest looks like as below
app = Configureapp.ios.PreferIdeSetting().StartApp();
app = Configureapp.ios.PreferIdeSetting().StartApp();
在xamarin Studio的单元测试窗口中,我已将ios应用程序链接到UITest项目.
Inside xamarin studio, unit test window, I have linked the ios app to the UITest project.
我的项目在配置debug | iPhone中.
My project is in configuration debug|iPhone.
I have followed steps as, in appdelegate file of ios project, I have addedXamarin.Calabash.Start(), and also added package Xamarin.testcloud.agent in ios project.
我的应用大小为32.88 mb
My app size is 32.88 mb
停顿的错误通常是XTC上特定的(物理)设备的问题. XTC僵尸程序通常会在检测到停顿后的几分钟内解决停顿的设备.稍后检查您的XTC仪表板,停滞的测试可能会自行完成.
Stalled Errors are typically an issue with a specific (physical) device on XTC. The XTC bots will usually address the stalled device within a few minutes of a stalled detection. Check your XTC dashboard later, the stalled test will probably finish on its own.
我相信漫游器尝试后仍会停滞的所有内容都会自动被(人类) XTC小组排入队列进行调查.他们会清理它并为您完成测试运行.
I beleive anything still stalled after the bots have a try will be automatically queued for investigation by the (human) XTC team. They'll clean it up and finish the test run for you.
As Prashant C said in your question's comments, reach out to Xamarin Support to learn more...
Although 99% of the time it is just a single stuck device holding up the test. I'd recommend waiting a day to see if the bots (or worst case, the team) clean it up for you.
这篇关于面对“停滞错误" Xamarin.ios Uitest从Xamarin Studio运行时在Xamarin测试云上运行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!